Dahmo: One-Sided Love

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Dahyun's POV

I have been giving you gifts. I have been your best friend only.

He gave you gifts but later than me. He is not even your best friend yet and you already accepted him as your boyfriend. I was sad but i have to act like i'm not. I stopped giving you gifts, knowing you will like his gifts more than mine so might as well not give. My gifts will only go to a waste.

I can't take it anymore. You kept on talking about him every single day, every single minute. It was getting on my nerves but i have to hold it in so i won't offend you or break our friendship. You kept on hanging out with him during our breaktime. Once he's gone and you came back to me and our friends, you started talking about him again, every single day.

Today is the day i started avoiding you because i got enough of your boyfriend talk with us. I don't want to vent my anger onto you so i decided to distance myself from you.

Jeong, Chae and Tzuyu are always there for me which i'm thankful for. They knew me too well and decided to hang out with me instead of the girls and you.

I felt bad but happy that they are doing this to cheer me up and help me. They have their own girl but they knew better not to brag about their relationship in front of me, unlike you, who just bragged how good Heechul is and your awesome relationship with him.

One day, you came to me, asking,

"Why did you stop giving me presents?" In a cute way with a pout. I just gave you a cold and blank look as if i don't know what you are talking about.

Of course you don't know why because you are way too busy squealing and accepting whatever gifts you got from your precious boyfriend until you forgot about your best friend's presents.

I have stopped giving you a long time ago and now then, you noticed it. You should have noticed it from the start.

I don't want to stand when you are around me so i just said in a cold and emotionless tone,

"You don't even care so just go to your Heechul and get your presents from him." And walked away.

Jeong, Chae and Tzuyu must have saw the whole thing because they immediately engulfed me in a hug while giving a pat on my back and shoulder. It's their way of comforting me, i guess.

I didn't go to school today. I decided to not go anymore in order not to see you. My heart will just keep on breaking and breaking every time i see you with your boyfriend. I cried every night and woke up with swollen eyes and puffy face.

The 3 bros started living together with me so they could take care of me and help me with school stuff. They will bring back the homework and the next day, they will help me to pass it to our teacher. Good thing that we are in the same class.

One day, someone rang the doorbell. I looked at the time and was aware that my 3 bros cannot be home this early so i checked who was at the door. I didn't expect you to be here. You must have followed my 3 best friends in order to know where i am since i am no longer living beside you. This apartment belongs to Sana-noona. This was her extra apartment and she lets me live here. She lives next door.

"Dahyun-ah." You spoke and it's been a long time since i heard your voice. But still, i didn't want to see you so i texted your best friend aka my neighbour to distract you so you will walk away from here.

I remained at the door, listening to the conversation. I was relieved that Sana-noona managed to make you go away from here. You will just break my heart even more if i let you enter the house.

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