Satzu: The Unknown Future(II)

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Teacher x Student


Tzuyu's POV

A week has passed ever since that day at Miss Sana's office. She has been glancing at me whenever it's her lesson and sometimes, she would pick a student near me to answer her question. I have a feeling that she was doing that on purpose just to look at me longer and without arousing any suspicions within the class.

"I am going to stop here for today's lesson. Make sure all of you do your assignment and hand them in before the deadline." She said and all of us responded in unison. She took her things and walked out of the classroom.

"The bell hasn't ring yet and the lesson has already ended. What should we do until the next lesson?" Dahyun said with a troubled expression and pouting her lips.

"We can just stay here since our next lesson is still here. Anyways, don't you find it unusual of Miss Sana to end the lesson earlier? She always end when the bell rings." Chaeng said and i agree with her. I do find it unusual of the teacher to do that. Why did she end the class before the bell rings? I wonder what's her reason for ending the class earlier than expected.

The next lesson soon started and i decided to not think about the attractive teacher and focus on the current lesson although i failed at doing so as my mind kept drifting towards her. I groaned under my breath and my best friends heard the soft groan.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Dahyun asked worriedly and i shook my head, saying that nothing is wrong though i doubt that they will believe me.

"Yeah, right. Nothing is wrong, sure." Chaeng said, totally not believing me from the way she just talked.

"You can tell us if you need someone to listen to. We're here for you, you know." Dahyun said and patted my back as a way of comforting me while Chaeng nodded her head, agreeing with the older girl's comfort words.

"Thank you but it's really nothing." I said in an assurance tone and they narrowed their eyes at me, not believing me still.

"If you say so." Chaeng finally said after seconds of staring at me and they decided to let it slide for the time being, probably not wanting to force me into saying something.

The lesson soon ended and it was time for lunch. I told my best friends to go ahead first and that i would meet them in the cafeteria. I then made my way to Miss Sana's office, wanting to see her so badly.

The moment i reached the door to her office, i took a deep breath to ease the nervousness and knocked on the door courageously.

"Come in." Her voice, which i have not heard for a week, made me feel happy to hear them again. I tried not to smile as i opened the door and stepped into her office. There she was, sitting down by her office desk with her elbows on the table and her chin resting on her intertwined hands. She stared at me intensely, causing me to gulp my throat nervously.

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