2yeon: Special Person

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Male Jeongyeon


Dominant Nayeon(lets go!)


Jeongyeon's POV

I knocked on the door and my boss raised her voice, telling me to come in. I opened the door and slightly bowed my head then walked towards her only to stop in front of her desk. She looked up at me from her computer screen and stopped typing on her keyboard.

"Here is your schedule for the next month." I told her as i handed her a folder with a piece of paper in it. She smiled at me while taking the folder into her hands and taking the paper out to scan her schedule.

"Okay. Thank you." She said as she placed the paper back into the folder and put the folder on the side of her desk, stacking it on top of a pile of file folders.

"Is there anything else?" She asked, looking back at me.

"Yes. Mrs Hirai informed me to let you know that she would like to meet you at 5pm regarding her department." I told her and she nodded her head at me with a small smile, causing my heart to beat faster.

"Okay. Please tell her to come to my office at 5pm sharp." She said and i nodded my head.

"Anything else?" She asked and i shook my head.

"Okay. You may go back to your work." She dismissed me and i bowed my head deeply then left her office though i can't help but to feel disappointed because nothing much happened once again. You see, i actually have a crush on my boss and i can't help but to expect something to happen and we always end up having normal conversations.

I went to my office and continued doing my work. I work as the CEO's secretary and that CEO is my boss. It's tough being a secretary since i have to make calls with companies and arrange a meeting with them and my boss. It's somehow hard due to their schedules not being able to collide with one another. However, i'm glad to have this job since i get to work closely with my boss.

I was working on my computer until a few knocks were heard on the door and i allowed them to come in. Miss Myoui walked into the room and towards me and stopped in front of my desk. I looked away from my computer and at her, waiting for her to speak. She's a very diligent employee in the company and always make sure to get her work done before the week ends.

"Here is my project report." She said while handing me a file folder with two hands and i took it into my hands with a smile. This is also my duty as a secretary, having to check through workers' report on the given tasks and making sure that there's no mistake before i hand it to the CEO of the company.

"Your project report is excellent. Please continue to work hard." I said with a smile of satisfaction and she nodded her head with a smile, looking relieved and happy. I then dismissed her and she exited my office after bowing her head politely at me.

A few more employees came to my office to hand me their project report and i made sure to check through each of them before dismissing them. I put all of the reports into one folder and headed to my boss' office. I knocked on her door and waited for a response from the other side of the room but there isn't any response. Could she be in the toilet? I decided to knock after a minute but again, no response from her.

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