Mitzu: Our First Love

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Tzuyu's POV

I'm taking a walk in the park near my house.

I saw a shoulder-haired girl sitting on the bench alone near the river. Her back facing me. I decided to sit down beside her which startled her.

"Hello, i'm Chou Tzuyu." I introduced myself with a smile and offered my hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Myoui Mina." She introduced herself and shook hands with me, smiling at me. She's so pretty...

We started talking and manages to know each other well. We instantly became best friends from strangers. We even exchanged our phone numbers so we could text or call each other.

Damn, she looks really beautiful...I met a gorgeous girl and became friends with her. How lucky i am!


I'm meeting her today again! We have been meeting each other and after each hangout, my feelings for her grew more. Yes, i am in love with Myoui Mina, the most beautiful and purest girl that i have ever met.

I waited for her at the usual meeting place aka where we first met each other.

I waited and waited....and waited. But there's still no sight of her. I started to get worried that something might have happened to her so i called and texted her. She didn't respond back...

I immediately stood up but i soon realized that i don't know where she lives. So, i just looked for her around the area.

Where are you, Mina-unnie?

I then caught a sight of a familiar figure. I ran towards her but soon stopped in my track. She was with another girl with blonde-haired. She looks so happy. She didn't smile like that when she's with me.

Is that girl more important to her than me now?

I asked myself and quickly dashed back home. I locked myself up in my own room and cried on my bed, feeling heartbroken from the sight that i just saw. Her smile. I want to be the reason for her smile. I want to make her smile like that too. But someone else manages to do it before i could. Why didn't she smile like that with me? Am i not good enough for her? Is that girl more better than me? Does she even see me as her own friend?

There are so many questions invading my mind as my pillow got drenched because of my tears.

Days have passed and i stopped going out. I only go out to buy food, the necessities, groceries, ingredients and drinks, including alcoholic drinks. I started drinking after that hurtful night. Whenever i drink, i would clean up the next day, not wanting my house to be a mess.

My lifestyle became like this. It changed so much...

I was just drinking while watching the television until my phone started vibrating on the couch, that i'm sitting on.

I glanced at the caller screen and decided not to take the call.

Why would she call me? She already has someone else who she can meet up with every single day, like we used to.

Oh my goodness...This is getting annoying. Why does she keep on calling me?

I switched my phone off. Too annoying.

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