2yeon: Jealous Boyfriend(II)

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Nayeon's POV

"Noona, who are you looking for?" Tzuyu asked with a chuckle.

"I just thought you are with someone else instead of being alone." I told him and he just shrugged his shoulders in a relaxed manner.

"Where are you heading to now, Tzuyu-ah?" Jeong asked from beside me and i could feel him staring at the tall guy here. I looked at him curiously, also wondering the same as Jeong.

"The bar." He simply answered and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"But it's still early to be there." I said in confusion. Did i remember the time right for our meeting time? Or did Tzuyu remember wrongly? Or he just wants to be there because he has nothing to do right now?

"Well, you'll know the reason later when all of us meet." He nonchalantly said and the lift soon arrived with a ding sound and the door slid open. We let the people walked out first then we entered the lift. 

"Are you really dating someone, Tzuyu-ah?" I asked him curiously with an intent gaze on him. He nodded his head with a soft hum.

"Is your partner the reason?" I asked him referring to his words previously before the lift came.

"Yes, she's the very reason." He told me with a slight nod of his head.

I was really curious if me and Jeong knew her and was about to ask Tzuyu about it but the door slid open once again, indicating that we have reached the basement. 

"No wonder i found this car so familiar. It's your car all along." I said when Tzuyu unlocks the black car beside Jeong's car which the headlights light up upon being unlocked. Tzuyu chuckled and walked to the driver side of his car. We exchanged goodbyes and i entered Jeong's car. He drove back home. Tzuyu drove the other way, opposite the direction we turned to.

It's already 4.45pm by the time we arrived home. We took turns to shower in the bathroom in our bedroom. I went first then he went after me. Our meeting time is 7pm and we have time to get ready. 

"You look pretty with no makeup so don't put any makeup on." Jeong spoke while sitting on the edge of our bed and staring at me through the mirror by my makeup table. 

"I will put foundation only." I told him and i heard him groan in disapproval but didn't say anything to protest.

Once i'm done, we decided that it's time to meet our friends but that also means to put my plan in action the moment i reach the destination. I can't wait to see my boyfriend's jealous side again~

We were just on the dot when we reached the parking lot of the bar. He parked beside Tzuyu's car. Seems like the others have arrived too, looking at the cars beside one another on the other side of Tzuyu's car.

We entered the bar and saw our friends sitting at the usual table. They noticed us and waved at us with a wide smile as the both of us made our way to them, smiling widely back at them.

"Long time no see!" Chaeng shouted happily as he came to give each of us a hug before sitting back down beside Mina. I sat down beside Sana and Jeong sat across me.

"We just saw each other a month ago, Chaeyoung-ah." Jeong said and laughed after seeing the younger boy pouted with a sulky expression.

"So, Tzuyu, we are all here. Tell us the reason, like what you said just now." Jeong said and everyone turned to the youngest boy with both confusion and curiosity at the same time.

"Can we dance first to lighten up the atmosphere?" He asked as he shifted his eyes nervously away from us. We laughed at his cuteness before standing up and went to the dance floor. I danced with Jeong first before dancing with Jihyo and Momo. 

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