Sahyo: A Restless Night

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G!P Jihyo



Bottom Jihyo


Jihyo's POV

"Jihyo~!" Sana-unnie called out my name in a singing voice as she wrapped her arms around my nape from behind and placed her chin on the top of my head.

"Want to eat dinner at my house tonight?" She asked and i tilted my head upward while she lifted her chin off my head to look at me.

"Sure." I said with a smile and she smiled back at me, looking happy and bright. She then sat down on my lap and rested her back onto my body.

"You should go to sleep, Jihyo-ah. It's already late at night." She said and i placed the documents in my palm onto my office desk.

"But i have to go over them before going to work." I told her, hugging her and resting my chin on her shoulder. Her neck smells so good and sweet.

"You should really sleep. Getting enough rest is more important than work. I'm sure your boss will understand if you can't go over them before the deadline." She said while patting my head and i hummed softly. My boss is an understanding person so i'm sure she will understand too but not being able to complete my task is just... unacceptable to me.

"I know that you want to go over them before going to work but you should also look after your health or else it would be hard for you to keep working. I'm sure you will have some time before work to go over them too so take a break for tonight and continue tomorrow." The older woman told me, assuring and comforting me, and i smiled, feeling glad and touched to have her by my side. I really appreciate her presence and her comfort that she always provide.

"Okay, if you say so. I will go to sleep and go over the documents tomorrow. Thank you, Sana-unnie." I said with a small appreciative smile and pecked her cheek. She giggled and pecked my cheek too.

"I can't believe you got hard just from a peck on the cheek." She said and i became flustered, feeling embarrassed, and hid my face on the crook of her neck while she giggled.

"Let's go to our bedroom." She whispered and i nodded my head against her neck. I switched off everything in my office and we walked towards our bedroom, which is across my office.

"Do you want to just sleep or calm your junior down?" She asked after we entered our bedroom and i closed the door behind us. I shrugged my shoulders as she looked at me and we sat down on our bed. I looked at the bulge on my shorts and knew that it's going to be painful to go to sleep like this.

"You look like you're in pain so we should calm it down." Sana-unnie said and immediately pulled the waistband of my shorts down, revealing my naked junior that stands up proudly once it's out of my shorts.

She then got onto the floor, on her knees, and leaned towards my junior. I held onto her hair, tangling my fingers with her hair, as she started sucking my hardened member with her mouth, going as deep as she could. The inside of her mouth is so warm and it feels so good to be inside her mouth.

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