Satzu: Coming Back To You

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No One's POV

The 9 girls used to live together but now, there are 7 of them. 2 of them went to live together in another house so they could spend more time alone together. The 2 girls were dating each other.

But soon, after 3 years, one of them came back to where the 7 girls are.

The tall girl cried and hugged her 7 friends, who were taken aback but still hugged the crying girl.

"My heart badly..." The tall girl said in between her sobs.

The 7 girls patted her back, not knowing what to do since they don't know what happened.

"Let's bring her to her room." A Japanese girl with blonde-haired said softly as the rest nodded their heads, bringing the tall girl to her room. The girls always cleaned her room up even though the girl was not living with them.

"You girls go sleep first. I will take care of her." The same Japanese girl said and the girls exited the room, wanting to stay with the sad girl but decided to give space to the upset girl and letting the Japanese talk with her.

"Unnie...Why does it hurt so bad...?" The tall girl asked sadly as she let her head rest on the older girl's shoulder.

"MINA! LOCK THE DOOR!" A loud voice shouted in a hurry and the girl, Mina, got up then quickly locked the door before letting the younger girl rests her head on her shoulder again.

The 2 stayed quiet.

"I'm pretty sure our Tzuyu won't do that to you! It's another girl! Right?! Don't try to lie your way out!" A different loud voice scolding could be heard from the living room and the 2 girls definitely heard it clearly.

The sad girl ended up crying again, remembering what happened a few minutes ago before she came here.

Mina put the crying girl's head on her chest as she patted her back with one hand while the other stroked her hair, comforting her.

"She's here...Why is she here...?" The younger girl cried out. Mina don't know what to do. She felt bad for not helping the crying girl. All she can do is to comfort her and stay by her side.

"NO! YOU BETTER DON'T!" Someone shouted and several footsteps were coming towards the sad girl's room.

Then the person outside started banging the door once the door can't be opened. The young girl held onto Mina's shirt tightly, becoming scared.

Mina held the shaking girl in her arms in a protective way as she stared at the door, hoping the banging will stop.

"STOP! THAT'S ANNOYING!" A voice shouted and footsteps started fading away from the door. The person probably got dragged by one of the girls outside.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here. So it's going to be fine." Mina whispered while stroking the tall girl's hair.

There were no response from the younger girl so Mina looked at her, to see her sleeping comfortably on her chest. Mina smiled, finding her cute.

The Japanese girl carefully put the girl onto her bed.

"Hmm...Don't leave..." The sleeping girl said, grabbing onto Mina's shirt when she was about to go.

Mina lied down next to the peaceful girl and fell asleep.


Mina's POV

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