G!P Sana x Fem Reader: Happiness Will Come Eventually

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G!P Sana



Omegaverse(Alpha, Omega, Beta)

Might be (a bit) long for some



"Y/N! Mina is here!" My um shouted from outside my room and i immediately went to the entrance, seeing my mum talking with my best friend, Mina.

"You're finally here!" I said and the both of us hugged each other for a short while then let go of one another. I told my mum that we will be in my room and immediately went back to my room while Mina quickly greeted my mum and followed me to my room.

"I'm going to introduce you to my other best friend. Her name is Sana." Mina said as she lied down on my bed and i lied down next to her.

"Then is she like us?" I asked since the both of us knew that we are omega when we received the result.

"Nope. She's an alpha and she's part of the unique female alphas." She told me in her soft voice and i became curious as i never heard of something like that. I also have never met any alphas since we go to a school only for omegas and betas.

"What's an unique female alpha?" I asked curiously and turned my body so that i'm lying on my side and facing her.

"Unique female alphas have something that normal female alpha don't have. I can only tell you this. It's too embarrassing to say it bluntly. If you have a mate that's like Sana, you can find out more from your mate." She told me and i pouted my lips while she chuckled and patted my head.

Mina has found her mate at age 18 but i have not found mine yet even after turning 18. How nice it would be if i have a female alpha as my mate just like how Mina's mate is a female alpha though her mate doesn't fall into the unique female alpha side. She knew how sad, upset and disappointed i was when i failed to find my mate on my 18th birthday and stayed with me for the entire night to comfort me. I wonder where my mate is.

"Don't worry. Time will pass and your mate will eventually come to you." Mina comforted me with an assuring smile while still patting my head. I nodded my head with a small smile, feeling relieved to have her as my best friend.

"Come on, it's time to meet Sana. Let's get ready." She said as she got up from my bed. I got up too and she went to the bathroom while i changed my clothes in the bedroom. She got out just when i finished changing my clothes. We went to the entrance while mum came to see us off.

We took a bus to the café, which is chosen by Mina for us to meet her other best friend. It took us an hour or so to finally reach the stop and we walked towards the café. The moment i entered the café, i felt a strong spark inside me and clenched my fist onto my chest area. Mina noticed it right away and held her arm around my shoulder to support me.

"What's wrong, Y/N? Are you okay? Is your body hurting?" She asked with a panicking face and her tone sounded extremely worried.

"I-i'm fine..." I managed out and leaned onto her for support.

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