Mitzu: Met Her in the City(III)

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Mina's POV

Our kiss was full of love and it was so gentle, Tzuyu was very gentle in the kiss. We soon pulled away once we needed air. 

"Th-that was amazing." I said with a shy smile and Tzuyu smiles, his eyes glowing with happiness. He nodded his head in agreement with the same sparkling eyes and smile.

We sat back down and decided to eat our dinner. 

"For the trip, i'm going to think about it." I told him, going back on the topic of his travelling plan.

"Sure. Take your time to think about it, i'll wait." He said with a smile, slightly nodding his head.


It's already Monday. Tzuyu is already getting ready to leave for Singapore. He's just sitting on the couch in the living room and i sat down beside him, causing him to turn his head to me.

"Seeing you not out with your luggage, i take that you're not coming with me?" He said in a questioning tone and i noticed that he has his luggage standing upright beside his legs. I looked at him as he stared into my eyes. I didn't know how to say it the moment our eyes met.

"I would love to but my workplace needed me or else they will have a hard time finding someone who can do my role." I managed to say it out with a nervous tone and he seems to notice it as he placed his palm on my hand, caressing my hand with his thumb.

"That's okay. I can understand, love." He said with a small smile and i could tell that he was disappointed but he replaced it with an assuring expression.

"Is there anything else before i leave for my flight?" He asked. 

"I love you." I said sincerely and honestly. He smiled widely and we leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips.

I sent him off by the door as he leaves, heading to the airport. He would be back soon. He told me he's coming back on this Sunday. I actually wanted him to stay and travel as long as he wants but he objected as he can't live without me for so long and not being able to see me for a long time.

-------(Another timeskip >_<)

"Tzuyu!" I welcomed him back with a warm and big hug, tiptoeing to get my arms around his nape. He hugged me back too, giving soft pats on my back. 

"How have you been?" He asked after pulling away from me and looked at me deep in the eyes.

"I've been going insane because i missed you so much." I said and pouted. Tzuyu chuckled and gave a peck on my forehead.

"I miss your lips." I told him with pleading eyes and puckered up my lips. He smiled and kissed me on the lips. I swear i really miss everything about him and his existence in my house. I missed the taste and feel of his lips on mine. I feel happy to taste his lips once more. Thinking about that makes me smile in between our gentle but deep kiss of yearning and loving for one another.

"I badly miss you too." He breathed out after breaking away from the kiss and rested his forehead on mine as we stared at each other in the eyes.

"May i?" He asked and i felt a tug on the hem of my shirt. That's when i knew what he's trying to ask me so i nodded my head in consent. He was about to take my shirt off but i stopped him.

"Let's go to my bedroom." I told him softly and he nodded his head with a smile. We intertwined our hands and headed to my bedroom.

Once he closed the door, he immediately lets go of my hand and places his hands on the hem of my shirt. He looked at me with a questioning expression and i nodded my head. He took my shirt off and i took off his. Damn, he looks so fit and muscular!

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