2yeon: Our Promise(II)

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Nayeon's POV

The three weeks are finally over but my schedules are still packed until the next month, which means that i still can't meet Jeongyeon. I told him about it and he understood how busy I am and told me that our promise can always wait until my schedules are open.

I will be prerecording a variety show today even though I'm no longer promoting my recent comeback album. I'm appearing as a guest on the show and Jeongyeon happened to be a fan of the show as he told me that he watches the new episode once it's out.

I felt relieved that he will be watching the episode but at the same time, i'm curious on what he's going to say nor react when the episode with me being the guest has been released. I can't help but to be nervous when having these thoughts in my mind.

"Nayeon, it's time." My manager told me and I dared my head with a cheerful smile. I put these thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on my current work.

"By the way, Nayeon is going to turn 27 years old this year so do you have any plans on finding someone special and getting married?" A main host of the show asked and everyone stared at me with curiosity, including the staffs and other guests.

"I have no plans to find anyone special. I also have no plans to get married. I have my own career to focus on and my life as an idol is quite hectic so it would be hard for me to date someone." I answered honestly and everyone from their heads, listening to me attentively and with full ears.

"If your life is hectic, your future boyfriend is going to be sad a lot because of your busy schedules." Another main host said in a joking manner and i can only laugh as i didn't know how to respond to that sentence.

The recording of the show soon came to an end and I bowed my head to the hosts, guests and staffs before leaving the set, heading back to the waiting room. I received messages from Jeongyeon as i'm walking towards the van with my manager.

The both of us texted each other as my manager drove to the next destination for my schedule, it's going to be the last for the day. I can meet up with him once i'm done. I told him that we could meet up today but sadly, he has night shift unless i go to his family restaurant. I thought about it, thinking that it might be dangerous for people to see me interacting with him if i do go. Who knows, they might recognize me so that's risky.

I didn't know what to do so i consulted my manager, Jihyo, about this matter.

"I'll be with you so people won't find it suspicious. The best move is to have your manager with you because it make things less fishy in other people's eyes." She said after hearing me out. She does have a point. If i go alone, people would find it weird and they might end up thinking that i'm meeting a male.

In the end, i told Jihyo to come along with me to Jeongyeon's family restaurant after i'm done for the day and she agreed. It's better to be safe than be risky in this situation. I sent the address to the younger girl the moment i have been dismissed from my work and finally, i'm free for the rest of the day!

I can't wait to see him. It's been a long time since we've last seen each other in person. If i remember correctly, the last meeting was during my fan-meeting. He came to all of my fan-meeting events and recording sessions though i can't find him in the crowd whenever i'm performing on music shows.

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