G!P Sana x Fem Reader: Taking Care of My Patient(I)

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G!P Sana





I was in my office, being on duty for my shift, and it was peaceful until the door slammed open, revealing a panting Tzuyu with Sana on her back. Tzuyu is Sana's manager and Sana is a well-known idol.

I quickly got up from my seat and got the bed ready for Sana while Tzuyu gently placed Sana down onto the bed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I sprained my ankle." Sana answered, pointing to her ankle, and i nodded my head as i proceeded to examine her sprained ankle.

"It seemed like you overdid yourself with the choreography this time. Your ankle is going to take two to three weeks to heal. During this period of time, make sure to rest and not do any vigorous activities." I said to the idol and her manager, who nodded their heads. I sat back down on my seat and started writing my prescription for the female idol.

"Doctor-nim, is it okay if i leave Sana-unnie with you? I have some important matters to take care of." Tzuyu said and i hummed while nodding my head. The door then opened and closed, indicating that Tzuyu has left my office.

"I need someone to take care of me while i'm resting, doctor-nim." I turned my head around and raised an eyebrow at her while she was sitting up from the bed and smiling widely at me like an innocent child.

"You can take care of yourself. You're an adult." I told her with a blank look.

"But i'm a patient." She said and pouted her lips. I groaned in defeat and immediately stood up from my seat. I sat down on the chair that is next to the bed and stared at her while she stared back at me.

"What? I'm taking care of you as you wish." I said while folding my arms and she pouted, puffing her cheeks.

Knocks were heard on the door and the door opened, revealing Tzuyu. She stood by the door and i looked at her, wondering why she wasn't coming in.

"Sorry, doctor-nim. I have to leave Sana-unnie in your care for tonight. The matter at hand is quite urgent and it's going to take some time to deal with the matter." She told me and i could only sigh and nod my head.

"I can take care of her but you need to let me know where she lives so she can recover peacefully on her own bed." I told the manager and she nodded her head, entering my office and standing beside me. The both of us have already exchanged contact information with one another and she simply sent me the address of the idol's house then excused herself to attend to the important matter she has. I wonder what kind of important matter she has until she has to let me take care of the idol for the night.

Leaving that aside, i turned my head back to the female idol and the both of us simply stared at each other and i raised my eyebrow at her, sensing that she has something to say to me.

"Are you going to bring me home now?" She asked and i looked at the clock, which is hanging on the wall, above my desk.

"Nope. My shift is not over yet." I told her and sat back down by my desk and continued writing the prescription. She then stayed silent, probably didn't want to disturb me from my work.

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