Mitzu: Punishment

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Male Tzuyu



Mina's POV

I have a boyfriend and we have been dating for 5 months. I love him a lot but our relationship isn't exactly what i wanted nor expected because it's not a healthy one, which is what my friends have been telling me.

"Make sure no boys come near you or else they will get it from me." Tzuyu, my boyfriend, said once he stopped his car in front of my university. Yes, i am currently studying in an university and Tzuyu is a businessman, well not exactly because he's the CEO of his own company.

I pecked his cheek and he smiled happily when i did that. I got off the car and waved at him as he drove off, heading towards his workplace.

"Mina-ah!" A familiar voice shouted as someone jumped onto me from behind, arms wrapping around my nape. I almost lost my balance but luckily, i moved my right foot forward to avoid falling down, face first, onto the floor. I knew who it was instantly after feeling the body weight on my back.

"Sana-yah, you almost made me fall again!" I scolded her and she chuckled, apologizing with a smile. Looks like she's in a good mood today, i mean, she's always in a good mood every day. It makes me wonder about the reason behind her happy days.

"Mina, did your boyfriend bring you to school again?" Jihyo asked as she stood beside me with her round eyes smile. I nodded my head with a small smile, feeling shy and timid.

"Don't need to be so shy about this, Mina-ah. It's normal for us to talk about your boyfriend because we are your friends." Nayeon-unnie said with an reassuring and soft smile and i simply nodded my head since all of us, well the majority of us, have boyfriends already. Sana is the only one who is still single among us. We did ask her from time to time about love-related topics but she seemed to always avoid these topics. On the other hand, whenever we are talking about our own love life, she seems interested and sometimes, she would start spacing out and stare in front of her with a dreamy expression.

"By the way, all of us are going to the bar tonight. Dahyun and Chaeng are coming along with us. Do you want to come along, Mina-ah?" Jihyo told me and ended with a question for me as we are walking towards our classroom. I didn't give much thought and just agreed to tag along. They cheered in happiness.

"What about Jeongyeon-oppa? Is he not coming with us?" I asked the oldest girl who is the girlfriend of the boy i mentioned.

"Ah, he's going to spend his time with his family. It's a rare chance for his family to have a day-off, after all." She told me with a bunny smile and i nodded my head, returning a small smile. It's great to hear that Jeongyeon-oppa gets to see his family after such a long time. 

"Mina-ah, how about inviting your rich boyfriend?" Dahyun asked in a suggestive tone and the others chuckled, shaking their heads.

"I bet he's busy since he's the boss of his own company. Right, Mina-ah?" Sana said and everyone turned to me, waiting for me to agree or disagree with the squirrel girl.

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