Mitzu: Her First Time

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G!P Mina


Might be uncomfortable for some (Read at your own risk)

Might be long for some


Mina's POV

After the concert in Tokyo has ended, all of us hopped onto the mini bus and i sat on the very back row, by the window. Tzuyu sat down on the other end of the row as the other members chose where they want to sit. Sana sat down next to Tzuyu and immediately rested her head on the maknae's shoulder.

We talked about the concert while our manager drove us back to the hotel for a good night rest. All of us were saying how fun we had during the concert and how happy we felt to hear the loud chanting from our fans. It reminds us of the old times before the virus started spreading around the world.

"Get a good rest, you two!" Jihyo said with a big smile as Tzuyu opened the room door and the both of us told the leader and the other members the same thing, telling them to get a good rest as well. Tzuyu and i are roommates for our tour in Tokyo only. The roommates are decided through paper lottery.

After waving our hands at the members, we stepped into our hotel room and the door automatically locked with a short beeping sound.

"Who will wash up first?" I asked, placing my black sling bag onto the couch in the spacious living room and turned towards the taller girl, who immediately sat down on the couch and made herself comfortable.

"I want to rest first then wash up. You can wash up first, unnie." She said and i nodded my head then went to the bedroom. I closed the door and took off my clothes then stepped into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, i wore the white bathrobe, which is provided by the hotel, and tied a knot around my waist then walked out of the bedroom with my clothes in my arms. I went to the washing machine and threw my clothes inside then told Tzuyu that she can wash up only to realize that she has fallen asleep on the couch. I slightly smiled at myself, finding her adorable in her sleeping state. She looks so precious and peaceful.

I tapped her shoulder with the tip of my index finger but she didn't wake up so i tapped her a few more times and still no response nor reaction from her so i had no choice but to shake her shoulder. I gently shook her shoulder and it succeeded as she finally woke up with half-open eyes.

"It's time for you to wash up." I softly told her and she hummed sleepily. She slowly stood up and walked to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the couch and leaned onto the couch, letting out a sigh. I still can't get over how soft Tzuyu's butt is. I lightly tapped her butt during the concert, at the end of a song. It's so soft, i would definitely touch it again. I shouldn't be thinking about this when i'm going to sleep in the same room as Tzuyu later on.

I shook my head to get the nasty thoughts out of my head and stopped shaking the moment i heard the bedroom door open. Tzuyu walked out, wearing the same white bathrobe, and threw her clothes inside the washing machine. After some buttons being pressed, the washing machine started its duty while Tzuyu came and sat down next to me on the couch. We simply relaxed in the living room in silence. It was a comfortable kind of silence, it's not awkward at all.

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