TWICE x Jihyo: Taking Care of the Babies

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Requested by:

chewisharon and EAMEM1314




No One's POV

TWICE is currently having a day off and going outside, looking for any washing machine as the one they have at their dorm broke and couldn't be used anymore. They have to look for it before the day ends as they will start to prepare for their comeback from tomorrow onwards.

"Ah! There it is!" Nayeon exclaimed, pointing at something which turns out to be a washing machine store but little did they know that the one they buy is not one. 

"Hello!" The 9 girls greeted, bowing their heads to the worker of the store who also did the same back. 

"How may i help you?" The worker asked, looking at them.

"We are looking for a laundry machine and would like to buy one." Jihyo said and the employee nodded his head.

"We have these 3 on sale right now as we received a lot of positive reviews from our customers." He explained, showing the 3 washing machines that he is referring to, to the girls who nodded their heads with an eager expression.

A particular white machine caught Sana's eyes and she went to the machine which is on the far right of the store. It looks like there is something different with the buttons comparing with the normal washing machine. Sana compared the buttons and turns out there is one extra button on the white machine unlike the sliver one beside it. Sana furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she noticed that there is no price tag on this washing machine.

"May i know why this does not have a price tag?" She decided to ask the worker who turns around immediately and went to her. He widens his eyes in surprise when he realized what Sana is referring to. 

"We are currently not selling this." The employee said while Sana became curious. 

"Why?" She asked intently with curious eyes. The other members went to them, curious of what are they talking about. 

The worker is thinking of an excuse, not wanting to tell the truth as his boss told him not to. He doesn't know how to tell this to the 9 girls, who are waiting for his response with eager eyes.

"Well, it's quite expensive until only a few customers bought it. We decided to not sell it until we can come up with an affordable price for the customers." He said and felt bad for lying but he has to.

"Can we buy it then?" Momo asked and the employee shook his head, not wanting these girls to be in trouble with this machine.

"Eh? Why? You said that it's expensive though so maybe we can buy it." Nayeon said in confusion. The worker became nervous and started to sweat, not knowing what to say anymore as he tries to think of ways to get them not to buy it.

"Plus, i want to know what this button do." Sana added on, pointing at the extra button. The other members looked at it and went closer to the machine, inspecting it.

"Are we allowed to test this out right here and now?" Momo asked and the employee shook his head.

"It's already broken." The man said which made the 9 girls even more confused.

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