Mitzu: A Hot Night

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G!P Tzuyu


Smut(read at own risk)

Dominant Mina


Tzuyu's POV

"Let's go on a date tomorrow, Tzuyu-ah!" Sana-unnie came out of her bedroom, looking excited.

"No, she can't. I'm going out with her tomorrow." Mina-unnie said, sitting next to me on the couch. I nodded my head to confirm that the older woman was right. Sana-unnie pouted in disappointment but soon smiled with a bright face when an idea popped up inside her mind.

"How about the day after tomorrow? Pretty sure you won't be going out with Mina for two days straight, right?" Sana-unnie asked while staring at me with anticipation and Mina-unnie looked at our fellow roommate with a raised eyebrow.

"May i remind you that Tzuyu is mine and not yours? Don't steal her from me." She said and i wonder if that was a sign of jealousy or a sign of possessiveness.

"Hmph. I just want to hang out with the maknae." Sana-unnie said, huffing and pouting.

"You can always hang out with her at home." Mina-unnie simply said and the both of them continued arguing while i let out a silent sigh.

Minutes later, they finally stopped arguing because Sana-unnie couldn't win against my partner. She sighed in defeat and went back to her own bedroom, leaving the both of us alone in the living room.

The next day came and i got ready to head out with Mina-unnie. Sana-unnie came out of her bedroom and hugged me while whispering in my ear, telling me to have fun with Mina-unnie. She immediately pulled away from me when we heard someone clearing their throat and we turned our heads to see an angry-looking penguin.

Mina-unnie walked towards me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of our house. Sana-unnie laughed, probably knowing how Mina-unnie felt. She soon stopped dragging me and let go of my wrist to face me. She folded her arms and looked at me angrily.

"What did she tell you? Did she seduce you?" She asked firmly, interrogating me.

"She just told me to have fun, that's it. She didn't do anything else." I said honestly and she looked into my eyes, making sure that i wasn't lying to her. She hmph-ed and looked away from me and started walking and i catch up with her, walking next to her.

We went to the shopping mall and went to various stores, looking around. I was glad that she's no longer angry with me, looking at how happy she looks while walking around the shopping mall. She bought the items, that i wanted and couldn't afford, for me and i thanked her, feeling happy and loved.

After that, we took a cab to the hotel in the neighborhood area and entered the hotel with the bags in our hands. We went to the receptionist desk and confirmed our reservation with the staff since Mina-unnie booked a room for us yesterday. The staff handed us each a room key and we thanked them then headed to the elevator, taking it to the designated room floor.

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