J-Line x Male Reader: What A Night Ver 1

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Might be long for some



"Please take good care of them, Y/N. We will be back as soon as possible." Mina's mother told me and i nodded my head with a smile.

"Don't worry, they are in good hands!" I assured them and they seemed happy and relieved to let me take care of their grown-up children. Momo, Sana and Mina hugged their parents and the 4 of us waved our hands at them as they boarded the plane.

When the airplane was taking off, we stared at the plane flying into the sky and slowly becoming more distant until the plane is no longer in view. We then made our way to the underground parking lot and walked to where my car was parked. I helped the girls to put their luggage onto the back of my car and got into the car. I sat on the driver seat and the three of them sat at the back. It made me feel like i'm their driver or something since there's no one sitting beside me but nonetheless, i started the engine and started driving out of the parking slot then out of the underground parking lot.

It took an hour or so to finally reach my house. I have been living with my parents but they had to go overseas for their business so i'm living alone in the house. I unloaded their luggage once i have parked my car properly, beside my house since there's a vacant space for my car. I quickly switched off the engine, locked my car and went to unlock my house door then opened the door for them, letting them enter the house first. I stepped into the house last and closed the door behind me.

I didn't know who to help so i simply stood by the door as i watched them took off their shoes and socks then pushed their luggage to whichever bedroom they want. There are 2 available bedrooms so two of them have to share a room while one gets to have the room to herself. Momo and Sana entered the same bedroom so that means Mina has the other bedroom to herself. Since Momo and Sana are roommates, i assume that they didn't need any help so i went to the room that Mina went to and knocked on the door, making my presence known.

She opened the door after a few seconds and i peeked over her shoulder to see her luggage already opened.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" I asked, offering to help her.

"No, it's fine. Thank you for asking." She said with a kind smile.

"Okay, but if you need any help, just call me." I told her with a small smile. She then nodded her head with a hum and i closed the room door then decided to go back to my own bedroom. I switched on my computer and started doing some stuff for my work.

A few hours later, there were knocks on my room door and i responded with a loud voice, telling them that they can come in. I stopped typing on my keyboard and turned my chair towards the door as it was being opened and the girls stepped into my bedroom.

"What's wrong?" I asked as i stood up and they glanced at one another before looking back at me. Somehow, i am getting a bad feeling from this. Whatever they are planning is definitely not good, that's what i am feeling.

"We are going to order some alcoholic drinks and thought that we should ask you to drink with us if you're not busy." Momo said and i thought about it. Well, technically i'm not busy and the deadline of my work task is far so i can just take a break and drink with them. However, i am going to drink with them and they are girls so i'm quite worried and scared of what will happen if we all end up really drunk. We might end up doing something that we regret.

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