~chapter 88~

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E I G H T Y - E I G H T

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"SO YOU'RE SAYING you let Harry Potter and his friends escape, again." The Dark Lord hissed in a very dangerously calm voice, as his red eyes glared upon them.

None of them had the courage to even look up, as they all stared down in fear. 

"You called me here to tell me Harry Potter had escaped!" He repeated, his anger now clear in his tone. "How much more worthless can you all be? The consequences will not be good." 

"My Lord--" Bellatrix started but was cut off. 

"Speak without turn, you'll be punished." He hissed at her.

His red eyes turned to Lucius, who was more pale than ever. "Lucius, you keep failing and failing me. Do you think I made a mistake by giving you the honor of being a death eater?"

Lucius was on his knees now, "My Lord, please forgive me."

"There is no more forgiveness for you." Voldemort hissed coldly, before moving to Cassi. 

She didn't dare look up as he approached in front of her. It took everything in her to stop herself from shivering from fear in front of him. 

"Cassiopeia." Her name sounded like a venom from his mouth. "For the first time you have disappointed me."

Cassi didn't say anything and continued to stare at the ground. And then suddenly a blow came on her side face, as he slapped her hard. Cassi staggered back from the force and held her stinging cheek in her hand. 

"Look at me." The Dark Lord ordered.

She had no choice but to obey. Slowly she removed her hand from her cheek and looked at him, but not in the eye. 

And just like that another hard slap came at her other side of her face. Cassi bit her lips to held back her sob and blinked hard to not let any tear fall from her eyes. He then grabbed her hair and yanked at them hard to make her look at him. Cassi saw fury in his eyes.

"I thought you wouldn't make any mistake," He hissed at her face. "But turned out you're just as pathetic as your mother!"

He threw her on the floor where Cassi crumbled down on the ground, trying to calm down her breathing. He flicked his wand, and a long deep cut appeared on her side face. Warm blood flowed out of it, as Cassi pressed her wound and hissed in pain. 

"Tell me Cassiopeia, did you give away your powers?" He asked her.

Cassi shook her head, not believing her voice at all.

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