~chapter 15~

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WHEN CASSI OPENED her eyes, she was in the Hospital wing. It was broad daylight and she was wearing the hospital gown. She blinked to adjust her eyes to the bright light. The memories of the dungeons flooded back in her mind.

"Do not sit up, my child!" Madam Pomfrey came running to her side when the Cassi tried to sit up and made her lay back again. "You gave us all a hearty scare. For a moment I thought you were going to die."

"Where's Harry? And Ginny?" Cassi asked. "Are they okay?"

"Everyone's fine." She answered. "It was only you who was injured so badly."

"For how long was I unconscious?"

"Three days."

"Three days?" Cassi shot up again but Madam Pomfrey made her lay back again.

"From your state it looked like it would have taken more, but you miraculously healed very fast." She then gave her something to drink, which tasted very bitter. "You will be having visitors soon, so I don't want you to see you getting up till I'm back."

With that she left. Cassi then noticed the gifts around her from her friends. Some had made her 'Get well soon' cards, while some had given her chocolates. And Cassi felt loads better by the love she was shown by her friends. But something was still swirling in her mind. What Tom Riddle said...it seemed totally ridiculous thing to believe in at first hand, because there was no way that she, Cassiopeia Lestrange, can be the descendant of Merlin.

Madam Pomfrey returned but this time there two more people with her. Professor Dumbledore and Uncle Lucius. A smile appeared on her face when she saw Dumbledore, which means he was back. And she was glad to see relief on Uncle Lucius face, which meant he must be worried. She tried to sit up, but was stopped by Madam Pomfrey who gave her a stern look.

"How are you feeling?" Lucius asked.

"Much better."

"It's good that you've woken up, your aunt was dead worried about you." He said. "But I must ask what were you doing alone in the corridors when you've been clearly told to not roam without any teachers?"

"Now, now Lucius." Dumbledore interrupted. "Cassiopeia has just woken up, you cannot scold her now."

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy." said Madam Pomfrey. "Also now you've both seen her, I must ask you to leave. She needs rest."

"Don't get yourself into any trouble." Lucius commented before leaving with Dumbledore.

"Madam Pomfrey." Cassi said once they were out of ear shot. "Can you allow my friends inside?"

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