~chapter 3~

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ON FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, Cassi got up early due to the excitement that was pluming in her body. She got ready and wore the dress that Narcissa gave her. It was deep purple dress with black clock on it. Her curls were down and she had a purple flower pin in her hair, which made her look really pretty.

"Tinki." She called and the elf appeared. "Have you packed my trunk?"

"Yes Miss. Tinki kept all the dresses Mistress brought for Miss Cassi."

"Good. Now go." Tinki disappeared. Cassi went downstairs to see her Uncle and Aunt were already ready.

"How do I look?" She asked twirling around with a smile on her face. Cassi has always like to dress up.

"You look pretty Cassi." Narcissa said. Lucius looked at her and there was approving in his eyes. He has taught both the children to dress like purebloods. And Cassi always made sure of it. It didn't mean that she agreed with his views, she merely like the way pureblood dressed.

Once everything was ready, they reached Kings cross station. As they passed they were given odd looks form the muggles. Lucius was sneering. He never liked the muggles. They passed though the barrier and reached platform 9 ¾ .

"After reaching there, write to us, both of you." Narcissa said as she hugged both the children. Cassi didn't mind staying away from them for long time, but Draco was getting rather teary. It was funny to watch him as he embraced his mother like he was never going to return. The boy may be nasty on outside, but on inside he was baby needing warmth. 

"And don't disgrace your families." Lucius said with an upright face.

"We love you, both of you." Narcissa added before hugging both of them.

Cassi and Draco bid their goodbyes and got on the train.

"Come on, we should find ourselves some empty compartments." She said as she dragged Draco. They passed a compartment in which they saw two big blokes sitting. They both recognized them right away. It was Crabbe and Goyle. She had met them in a gathering at her home a year ago, and she didn't like them at all. She was going to pass the compartment, but Draco stopped her.

"Look there's Goyle and Crabbe." He said. "Let's sit with them." And before she could say anything, he entered the compartment getting both of their attention.

"Crabbe, Goyle." Draco said as he sat in front of them.

"Draco, Cassi." Crabbe greeted them. She settled in front of them, beside Draco. She noticed Goyle looking at her with trance expression. she scrunched up her nose at him realizing that he may have a crush on her. and last thing she wanted was to have him behind her like a shadow. 

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