~chapter 29~

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CASSI WAS SITTING alone in the compartment of Hogwarts Express, looking outside. Draco had gone to look for Blaise, and his goons, and the Daphne hadn't arrived yet. Daphne did arrive, and alone. And she was not looking in good mood.

"Cassi." Daphne said as she sat beside her. "Why haven't you answered any of my letters?"

"I was busy." The answer was short.

"Oh, really?" Daphne said sarcastically. "May I ask what were you so busy with that you did not even have time to answer to your best friends?"

Before Cassi could answer, the compartment door slid open and Harry entered

"Cassi I need to talk to you." said Harry.

Cassi stood up her lips drawn in a thin line, hands on her hip.

"When will it get into your thick head, that I'm not your friend?" Cassi seethed and everyone looked shocked. Daphne wasn't able to believe the way she was behaving. "If I hear you calling me Cassi one more time, then I'll hex you so bad that you won't be able to recognize yourself."

"I do not understand what happened to you." He shouted. "Did the Malfoys threatened you or something?"

Cassi gave out a sarcastic laugh. "Nobody threatened me or anything. I just realized how stupid I was for the last three years, being friends with people like you."

Harry was glaring at her, half angry half surprised.

"I'm a Slytherin, if you forgot Potter, a snake always bites." Cassi smirked as she said that.

"Fine then, if you're so set on being like this." Harry sneered. "After all you are your mother's daughter, right Lestrange?"

Cassi didn't say anything, but kept glaring at him, as he left the compartment. She would be lying if that sentence didn't hurt her.

"Cassi, what happened to you?" Daphne asked softly as Cassi sat down.

"Didn't you hear to me just now?" Cassi snapped. "I just came back to senses and realized where my loyalties should lie."

"This is not you, Cassi." Daphne said. "I know you, you would never hurt someone intentionally."

"Then maybe you don't know me at all." Cassi said coldly as the compartment door slid open again, but this time it was Draco with his friends.

Cassi didn't talk to anyone on the whole ride just kept staring outside. She was feeling bad about how she talked with Daphne and Harry. But they were better off without her. It was better if they didn't mingle in her wretched life.

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