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Hey Guys!

I know I haven't been updating for a long time, it's because of my exams. And I probably won't be able to for a month. Even though the final exam is in the month of feb or march, I have lots and lots of internal assignments and tests. Teachers won't stop taking tests and honestly, I'm really tired from all this. I have my board exams coming, and my pre-boards are in december, and I have to prepare for it. 

So please understand that I have to prepare for my exams and I can't write anything now. Forget writing, I haven't even been able to complete my physics assignment given by my teacher two weeks back. 

Anyway, so please co-operate with me and have patience. I'm not going to leave this book unfinished, but I will complete it next year, after my exams.   

Thank you so much!!

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