~chapter 74~

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S E V E N T Y - F O U R

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UNCLE LUCIUS ALWAYS said that only the weak cry. So does that makes me weak? I don't know. Because I cried when I first killed, I cried when Sirius died, I cried when I became aware that Dumbledore is going to die soon, and I cried when I came to know that Aiden is on his deathbed. It's not sure whether he'll survive or not. I'm slowly losing everyone I love, and it's just too much for my soul, you know. So does that mean that I'm weak? 

I cried because I cared about them, I care about people. My mother once told me to care of no one other than your blood family. But I care about other people. I care about Harry, Hermione, Ron, Daphne, Dumbledore, Remus. They are not my blood family, but they are my closest family. I love them. Tonks is not considered a family by my mother, even though she is her own sister's daughter. As much as disownment hurts, I'm quite glad that Tonks doesn't have to meet such horrible people. She's better off without them.

Sometimes I wonder what life would have been if my mother was Aunt Andromeda, instead of my mother. Then Tonks would have been my real sister and that would have been great. But I can only fantasize about such things, because in reality I don't have anything. 

Looking from a third perspective, I have everything: I have money, a rich family, I study in a good school and I have great friends. And still I'm absolutely broken from inside. Because if you would look closer, you would see that I have nothing. I'm just a ragged piece of doll, whom my family is using for their benefits. But I swear in Merlin's name that I will avenge death by Voldemort, by bringing him down completely. I will shatter him, along with his death eaters, my mother included. 

Cassi looked at the paper she was just mindlessly scribbling, before tucking the paper into the pocket of her skirt. Standing up, she kept the book she was reading before in the rack, and paused to look at her reflection in the library window. 

She ran her fingers through her hair and put a bright fake smile on her face. When she was satisfied by her reflection, she made her way out of the library to the Great Hall for dinner. While passing the second floor, Cassi suddenly heard loud voices. It seemed like someone was trashing the things.

She stopped in her track and listened to from where the sound was coming. It was coming from the Moaning Myrtle bathroom. Fastening her footsteps, Cassi made her way to the bathroom of the crying ghost. 

Pushing the door open, Cassi stepped inside to see Professor Snape crouched over a bloodied body and Harry standing not too far away. As her eyes went on the body, she staggered back from the shock. 

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