~chapter 21~

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T W E N T Y - O N E

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IT WAS THE DAY when Buckbeak was going to be executed, and Cassi really wanted to with Hagrid but couldn't. She was going back in the common room, when she saw a dog in the corner. How it was able to enter the castle, she didn't know. She stopped to look at it.

"Black?" said Cassi, furrowing, as she got closer to it. "What are you doing here?"

But the dog suddenly leaped up on Cassi, took the book from her hand and started running.

"Black!" Cassi sprinted behind him. "Stop! Give me back my book!"

But the dog wasn't stopping at all. It continued toward the school gate into the school grounds. Cassi ran behind him, trying to catch it. It was the book from the library, and Madam Pince was going to kill her when she'll hear that a dog ate her book.

"Give it back, you bad dog!" Cassi said as she kept running behind it. The dog was running toward the Whomping willow, and Cassi eyed widened in alarm. This was not good. The dog kept running toward the tree.

"No, Black!" Cassi stopped a few distance away from the tree. "Don't go near it."

But Black obviously didn't listen. Much to her surprise, the dog had already got near the trunk without getting any harm. With the book between its teeth, it kept the front paw on the trunk and the tree stopped moving.

Cassi stared wide eyed. How did Black new about it? But her first priority was to get her book back, before the dog tears it into shreds. Now the tree was very unlikely to attack, so Cassi made her way to tree and sipped in the hole of its truck, where Black had disappeared.

"Wow." Cassi murmured as she started walking inside the passage. "Black certainly knows the secret passages of the school."

"Lumos." Cassi whispered and the tip of her wand was now glowing. She continued to walk forward. After what felt like forever, Cassi saw a patch of dime light coming from the small opening. She edged forward to see what it was. It was room, a very disordered, dusty room. Paper was peeling from the walls; there were stains all over the floor; every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody had smashed it. The windows were all boarded up. The room was deserted, but a door to their right stood open, leading to a shadowy hallway.

Cassi recognized this place, It was very oddly familiar. It was Shrieking Shack.

"Black?" Cassi called out looking around hoping to get a glimpse of the dog. "I'm in no mood to play, Black. Come out."

Just then something moved behind her. Cassi turned and she was looking a man.

"You!" Cassi said horrified. It was Sirius Black, her Uncle. And then Cassi realized that this man was the dog, Black. And he had lead her here. Her wand was raised straight in front of his face, ready to kill. But something inside was telling her to kill him.

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