~chapter 92~

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N I N E T Y - T W O

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TIME IS A VERY peculiar thing. But it is the only thing by which we can measure our lived moments, whether happy or sad. 

As time passes, it collets stories with it. All the untold and told stories, whether short or big, heartbreaking or cheerful, important or irrelevant, good or bad, time has all seen it. Some stories become folklores which are passed down ear by ear, farther to son and mother to daughter. Some stories fades away from the pages of history, but if you try to trace it, you'll find it in the depths of mysteries. And some stories become legends, which are told and re-told billion times, which are copied down in the pages of history by every generation, which are told by parents to their children every night.

The story of Cassiopeia Black Lestrange was written by the stars in the galaxy which shone the brightest in the dark space. Her story was born in the light of a dying star, which formed into it's own galaxy. As time recorded her story, her story became a legend, a folklore, which would be told by generations to come, which would be written down in the history books and taught in classrooms by teacher to students. 

She was never an ordinary girl. Stardust flowed in her veins, galaxies existed in her eyes, and in her hair you could see the dark-pitch of the space. 


A laugh vibrated through the air. It sounded like a laugh of a small child. 

Cassi looked around herself, she was standing in the garden of the Lestrange Manor. The sun was shinning high in the air, and warm breeze was flowing. How did she get here? Wasn't she dead? One moment she was lying in Harry's arms barely breathing and now she was here. She didn't understand it. 

"Cassi!" A very familiar voice called out. 

Cassi turned out to see a little girl, almost a year old, with black hair, running around the garden on her little feet. She was giggling. A second later her mother appeared trying to catch the running child. 

"I'm going to catch you Cassi!" Bellatrix said to her daughter, who continued running around the garden, giggling and laughing. 

With a mixture of shock and confusion, Cassi stared at her younger self who was playing with mother. Bellatrix gained up on her, and caught her daughter by the waist and lifted her in her arms. 

"I caught you!" Bellatrix said smiling. 

Cassi stared at the scene, emotions bubbling inside her. She had never seen her mother that way ever before. She looked so loving, so much like a motherly figure. 

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