~chapter 57~

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F I F T Y - S E V E N

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THERE WAS A war coming.

It slithered in beneath the window and sills,a putrid fog of hate and fear and darkness. She smelled it in her room, in the cold corridors of her house; it crept in, an intruder of the night, cloaked in all the faces she's ever dreamed and all the faces she hasn't. It seeped into her skin like a smell sunk beneath flesh. No matter how many showers she took, the smell never left. Like an itch that will never be scratched. It tore at her.

There was a war coming, a war so powerful and destructive that she had to press her hands over her ears and clamp her eyes shut so tight that no light could pass so she would keep herself from hearing the evil to come. There was a war coming that would leave the wizarding world, her world, in ruins, one that would would carry so much death in its wake that there would be bodies piled so high you'd have to tilt your head until your neck strained to see the top.

There was a war coming. 

The knocking on the door of her room out of the inevitable spiral and her head snapped to the door. 

"Come in." She said loud enough for the person to hear. The door opened to reveal her dear cousin Draco. 

"Mother's calling you downstairs." He said.

"Tell her I'm coming." She said quietly, without looking at him.

"You don't even look at me now." His sudden outburst didn't startle Cassi. "And you've barely spoken two words to me."

"What you want me to do Draco?" Cassi said sharply looking at him straight in the eye. "Give you a congratulations on signing your death warrant?"

"No." He said glaring at her. "Why can't you be happy for me? The Dark Lord considers me capable and have entrusted me with such an important task. You should be happy."

"Do you think this is a child's play, Draco?" Her voice was on the edge as she glowered at him. "This is a matter of life and death. He gave you the task which he himself can't do. This is a suicide mission. And you're so enthusiastic about it, thinking he's awarding you. He's punishing you Draco, because your father failed him. He's knows you can't succeed, and that's why he gave you this task. When you'll fail, he'll kill you."

"So you don't believe that I can succeed." said Draco bitterly. "But let me ask you who are you to lecture me on this when you yourself joined him at the age of 15? Aren't you yourself small for these type of things?"

"My case is different Draco." Cassi said coldly. "I joined him because The Dark Lord wanted me to join. Because I'm the heir of Merlin himself, and I am more powerful than any other death eater here and naturally more useful to him. I know what I am doing Draco, but you don't."

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