~chapter 30~

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THE NEXT DAY CASSI woke up early and went to breakfast alone without waiting for anyone. She was walking mindlessly, her mind somewhere else, when she walked in someone. And the person was none other than the Weasley twins.

"Watch where you're going." Cassi sneered at them. For a second both of them were just shocked.

"Are you okay?" Fred asked cautiously.

"I was, until I had to see your faces." She snapped at them.

"What happened to you?" George asked this time. "Why're you being such a bitch?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't know." Cassi said with a smirk. "I no longer want to associate with people like you. It ruins my reputation, you know."

"Oh, so I guess what I heard Ron saying was totally true." Fred said coldly. "You are a Slytherin after all, what more can we expect from you?"

"You are right." Cassi gritted through her teeth. "I am a Slytherin. And I am no longer the stupid little girl who was friends with blood traitors."

"You know you've finally let me at ease." said George and Cassi looked at him confused. "I wasn't able to digest the fact that you're a Slytherin and still friends with us. Now that you've finally showed you're true colours, I can live with ease that I wasn't wrong about you in the first place."

"You mean you've been expecting me to backstab you?" Cassi asked shocked. For a moment she forgot that she was pretending to be evil and looked at George with hurt clearly written across her face. She didn't know that they thought like this about her. Looking at her face, George felt a little guilty. But the hurt on her face was soon gone and was replaced by a cold expression.

"Now you've already ruined my morning, I don't want to you to ruin my rest of the day." Cassi said coldly. "Pray that we don't cross paths again. It's the best for all of us."

With that Cassi turned away from them and walked into the Great hall. It pained her to think that they thought so little about her. But what can she do, with her background anyone would think so. She was a Slytherin after all, and a Lestrange. She had never hated her house more, and how much she wished she could have been born on the other side of the war, on the good side.

Not many students were there in the great hall when Cassi entered. She made her way to the Slytherin table and sat down. After five to seven minutes she felt someone sit beside her. She didn't need to look up to see that it was Daphne and she was staring Cassi.

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