~chapter 75~

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S E V E N T Y - F I V E

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CASSIOPEIA LESTRANGE WAS many things, but she wasn't a bad person. She was a Black and a Lestrange, she had blood of two sacred pureblood families running in her veins and still she was nothing like them. She was different, like her Uncle Sirius, she was good. But everyone faces times when all is lost and we lose all hope. We feel like it is the end and everything's ruined and lost. And this was the same Cassi was feeling sitting in the old girl's lavatory.

On the side of the story, Harry was passing the second floor to go to the seventh floor with Hermione walking behind trying to stop him. 

"Harry, you should listen to me." Hermione said walking beside Harry trying to keep up with his pace. "You should not get the book back. You saw how sinister the book is."

"Will you stop harping on about the book!" snapped Harry. "The Prince only copied it out! It's not like he was advising anyone to use it! For all we know, he was making a note of something that had been used against him!"

"So that doesn't mean that you have to get back the book." Hermione said trying to make him see the point. "Harry, --"

Her voice was cut off when a shattering sound was heard across the floor. Both Hermione and Harry stopped and looked at each other. 

"What was that?" Harry said confused. 

"It came from the Moaning Mrytle's Lavatory." said Hermione. "Sounds like she is breaking things."

Turning their heels, they made their way to the Girls' Lavatory. 

"Who could've upset her now?" Harry said. 

Reaching the door, Harry pushed it open and entered with Hermione behind him. None of the two were prepared for the sight inside. Everything was broken, from doors to sinks and mirrors. Hermione gasped loudly. The whole lavatory was destroyed. 

Their eyes wandered around and instead of finding a ghost, they found a black haired girl sitting in the corner, with her head down, and she was silently cutting her skin with a piece of glass. Harry was frozen in his place as his eyes took in the mad appearance of the girl. 

"C-Cassi?" Hermione's shocked voice came out as small, but loud enough. 

But the girl didn't look up, and continued scarping her skin with the glass, creating new wounds on already bleeding wounds. Her arms were covered in deep wounds and crimson blood flowed out of them tainting her skin and the white-tiled floor. Her clothes were soaked in her own blood and she was sitting in her own pool of blood and made no move to stop the bleeding.

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