~chapter 89~

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E I G H T Y - N I N E

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THE NEWS THAT Harry, Ron and Hermione had broke into Gringotts and escaped on a dragon spread like wildfire among the wizarding community. The dragon had really impressed Cassi, because that was one hell of an exit. 

But this news needed to be taken to the Dark Lord. After last time, Cassi wasn't sure whether she was ready to face him again. So when Bellatrix and Lucius brought her this news, she had downright refused to go with them to take this news to the Dark Lord. There's was no way she was going be in the same room as him, when there was a high possibility he could murder her. 

To avoid any explanation, she had went to Hogwarts to meet Professor Snape the same day when the dark Lord returned to the manor. 

After Dumbledore's death, that was the first time Cassi stepped into his office. The office was the same as Cassi remembered. The last time she had stepped into this office was when Dumbledore was alive. What was more difficult was looking at Dumbledore's portrait as he smiled down at her. That day she had talked to Dumbledore, even though it was just his portrait. 

Cassi hadn't returned to the manor until it was evening. And true to her worries, she saw bodies of few death eaters lying around and among them was also dead body of the goblin who worked in Gringotts. She was relieved that she hadn't been there to give him the news. 

She left the bodies in there place, and the closed the door behind her. As she climbed the stairs and made her way to the her room, the dark mark on her arm burned deeply making her stop dead in her pace. 

Wide eyed, Cassi pushed her sleeves and stared the serpent which was now slithering on her skin.

"He's caught." Cassi said to particularly no one, her voice barely above whisper. "They caught Harry."


In this universe we all play different roles wearing different costumes. Doesn't matter where we live, who we are, whether we live on different corners of the world, we all are connected together by our fates and lives. In this everlasting play of the universe, we all have different roles in it. All are equally important in its own way. 

For Cassiopeia, her life was woven in the fabric on time mingled with loss, sadness and grief, as she played her play in this wonderfully beautiful yet tragic play of life. 

As she stood there in front of The Dark Lord, somewhere deep inside her was aware of how her end was going to happen. As she stared at those red eyes which shined with malice and bloodlust of power, she knew how what her role was in this powerful play of life. 

"You have called me, My Lord?" Cassi spoke in a clear voice, yet respectful voice as she stared the dark lord standing in front of her. 

"I need some assistance from your side." He said almost hissing, as he petted his snake, Nagini. 

"Anything, My Lord." Cassi replied with a little bow. 

 "Give me your hand." He said casually. 

"I -- what?" Cassi stared at him confused.

"Give me your hand." He repeated again, his tone demanding. 

Cassi looked confused, but stretched her hand out to him nonetheless. He grasped her hand in his tightly, and Cassi was startled by the coldness of his hand. A cold shiver went up her shine as she felt his nails digging into her arm, not deep enough to hurt."

Without another word, he took out his wand, and Cassi with a jolt of surprise realised it was Dumbledore's wand. She realised he must have broken in Dumbledore's grave to that, and that angered her. But her blood ran cold when she thought what could Voldemort do by holding her hand and with his wand. 

"Don't worry, I'm not making an Unbreakable vow." Voldemort said with twisted smile reading her thoughts.

But instead of calming down, her worried only had doubled. Whatever he was doing, it was nothing good. 

He pointed his wand at their joined hands and a thick tongue of opaque green issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like snake slithering on their arm. Looking closely it looked like a chain binding their hands together. It slithered up till her elbows, it's grip iron-clad. 

Suddenly Cassi felt something inside her, it felt like her energy was moving toward Voldemort. Something inside her moving toward him. And she felt a connection which wasn't there before. She felt her and Voldemort's energy colliding and intertwining. And a connection was made between them.

The rope vanished as soon as the dark lord moved his wand away. He took his away from her, and stared at her with something Cassi couldn't identify. 

"My Lord, if I may ask--" 

"If wanted you to know," He cut her off. "I would have told you. Now leave. I have no need for you now."

Cassi bowed down, and left the room without another word. She couldn't understand what had just happened now, what did the Dark Lord actually did, and it terrified her. Cassi knew that he made a connection between them, but what connection, what is he going to do with it? And what if--

"What did he call you for?" Narcissa asked breaking her thoughts. 

"I-I don't know." Cassi said staring at her hand which the dark lord had just gripped and suddenly she felt a sudden need to wash her hands. "He did something which was similar to Unbreakable Vow, but he wouldn't tell me what he was doing."

Narcissa's face whitened but she said nothing. 

Cassi walked past her, and went into the bathroom to wash her hands. She scrubbed them hard till her skin was raw pink to get clean her skin from his touch. Her thoughts were all over the place as she thought of all possibilities which could have happened few minutes ago. But she had never read about magic precise like this. She couldn't point out what it was he had just done. That thought terrified her, and Cassi couldn't even think of the consequences she was going to face. 

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