~chapter 93~

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N I N E T Y - T H R E E

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ONLY LIGHT SURROUNDED her once she watched the last scene. White light was everywhere and nothing could be seen. She was perfectly alone again. Nobody was there. No one was watching.  She was surrounded by a bright mist, though it was not like mist she had ever experienced before. Her surroundings were not hidden by cloudy vapor; rather the cloudy vapor had not yet formed into surroundings. The floor on which she stood seemed to be white, neither warm nor cold, but simply there, a flat, blank something on which to be.

Cassi couldn't understand why had she witnessed the events of her life again. She couldn't understand anything that was happening. She couldn't understand why was she there. 

And slowly the surrounding started to become clear to her, as the mist cleared. A second later she was standing in Dumbledore's office. 


She spun around. Albus Dumbledore was walking toward her, sprightly and upright, wearing sweeping robes of midnight blue.

"My dear girl." He said with a bright smile on his face, his both hands were both whole and white and undamaged. "You've been very brave and selfless. Let us sit down."

Stunned, Cassi watched as Dumbledore made his way toward his old headmaster seat and sat down. He motioned her to sit down as well. Her mouth slightly parted open in shock, she sat down without any word, her wide eyes still staring at her old headmaster's face. Dumbledore's long silver hair and beard, the piercingly blue eyes behind half-moon spectacles, the crooked nose: Everything was as she had remembered it. And yet . . .

"You're dead." said Cassi.

"Oh, yes." said Dumbledore as matter-of-factly. 

"Then am I -- dead too?" Cassi asked hesitatingly. 

"That," Dumbledore said smiling more broadly. "I think not."

They looked at each other, the old man still beaming.

"But then how am I seeing you?" Cassi asked confused. "I was supposed to die. I did die, I remember. I have to be dead so Voldemort can't use my magic anymore."

"And that's where everything changes, doesn't it?" Dumbledore said smiling down at her through his half-moon spectacles. "You knew you had to die to stop Voldemort from having your magic. And you didn't resist it. You welcomed death with open arms, Cassi. You sacrificed yourself to protect everyone."

"I was going to kill myself." Her voice was soft. "So that Voldemort can't take advantage of me. But I had to see Harry first. I wanted to tell him I love him, and that I'm sorry. But I only got to say one of the two."

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