~ Prologue~

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'there is no denying that there
is evil in this world but the 
light will always defeat
the darkness'

→ Idowu Koyenikan


HER SCREAMS PIERCED THROUGH the silence of the Lestrange Manor, audible to the every being in it. Her breath was uneven and there were droplets of sweat on her forehead. She never intended to get pregnant but she cannot defy the nature. For nine months she had carried this living being inside her. She wanted to kill it at first but her sister insisted to keep the child to carry on the legacy. The pain, the life inside made her feel, was unbearable and she was sure that she never had the urge to kill anyone more than this child.

A little innocence was going to enter this world any minute, unaware of the darkness lurking outside, unaware of the cruelty of the world.

Bellatrix gave out another silence-piercing scream as the baby came out of her womb. Narcissa Malfoy, her sister, was holding her hand. The nurse took the baby in her hands and silently wondered 'how such an innocent can be born from a women like this?'

"It's a girl." She informed the two women as she passed the child in hands of Narcissa. The baby had her eyes closed and was curled up in the blanket sleeping innocently.

"See Bella," She scooped to Bella's level. "Your daughter."

It was said that when god created this world, even the demons for once were struck by the beauty of it. Bellatrix simply stared at her child, at goodness, at innocence and admired it. All the hate and anger she had in her were now all gone and all she wanted to do was hold the child and wrap her in her warmth. She reached out to hold her daughter as Narcissa passed her into her hands.

"What should we name her?" Narcissa asked looking at her niece fondly.

"Cassiopeia." Bella whispered with her eyes still on her daughter. "Cassiopeia Black Lestrange."

"Cassiopeia Black Lestrange" Narcissa nodded.

Cassiopeia Black Lestrange. She was born from darkness itself, it was woven in her bones and carved in her heart. Unaware of her future, unaware of present, she slept soundlessly in her mother's arms. Born in the midst of the war, in the house where the shadows lurked, whose mother itself was dark.

There is no denying that there is evil in this world, there was, there is and there will be. But it doesn't mean that it can't be defeated, cause it can be, and light will always be the one defeating the darkness.

She was the light born from darkness, because all stars are born in the dark.

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