~chapter 79~

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S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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THE NIGHT FELT odd, and a little more quiet than usual, like the silence before the storm. Cassi was sitting in her the Slytherin common room on the couch near the fireplace, it was around midnight. Everyone was in their beds and the common room was empty. She sat there silently staring at the fire, with worry and fear in her mind. She was worried about Dumbledore and Harry. 

Cassi had been sitting there like that for quite some time, and now sleep and exhaustion were getting best of her. And just like that she fell asleep and the fire slowly died down. 


It is said that when evil prevails, you can feel it in the air and in the breath you take.

With a sudden start, Cassi's eyes opened and she sat up. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. She could feel it in her skin. Getting up instantly, she made her way out of the common room. The corridors were dark and cold, and it gave her chills up in her spine. An unsettling feeling was felt in the pit of her stomach as she continued walking. 

Walking a little further, Cassi heard voices, like someone was fighting, not through words, but through wands. And then she felt it, the presence of Death Eaters right there in the castle. A sudden fear crept in her bones and her eyes went a little wide. 

She needed to find Dumbledore.

Fastening her footsteps, she made her way to the Astronomy Tower taking the secret passageways of the school, so that she doesn't have to encounter any Death Eaters. On her way up to the stairs, Cassi saw a greenish light in the sky. Stopping suddenly, she looked outside in the sky to see the Dark Mark high up in the air. Horror and fear filled her mind, as she staggered back from the shock.  

She needed to find Dumbledore. Now.

Cassi ran up the stairs and met up with a sight of Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore.

"Well, then, you must get on and do it, my dear boy," said Dumbledore softly. As her eyes went on him, she noticed how weak and pale he looked, and his was voice faint. 

"Draco." Cassi breathed out as she appeared in front of them. 

Both Dumbledore and Draco turned toward her with a jerk. 

"Cassi," Draco looked at her wide eyed. "What are you doing here?"

"What did you do, Draco?" She asked ignoring his question, as she walked near him. 

"The Dark Mark is the sky Cassi," Draco said. "The others are down fighting."

"Why didn't tell me?!" She screamed, shocking Draco. "You didn't tell me anything! And now you brought Death Eaters in the school!"

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