~chapter 27~

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T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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IT WAS DARK, very dark. It felt like she was stuck in a cage, and all she could see was darkness. She was suffocating. The place changed suddenly and she was standing in a forest, which looked very familiar. Cassi looked around hoping to see someone, but no one was there. A figure blocked her path, and Cassi screamed and tripped backwards. It was the same muggle she had killed earlier. But there was a deep cut on his neck, and blood was dripping everywhere from it. Cassi felt sick looking at him.

"You killed me." He spoke. "You killed me. I will never forgive you."

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. A cold mirthless laugh was heard making the tip of Cassi's hair stand. She turned around to see the no one else other than the hideous creature. It was Lord Voldemort.

"You have already killed him once, kill him again." He said

"You are a killer." The man said coming toward Cassi who was shivering with fear.

"Kill him." Lord Voldemort said from behind.

Cassi's eyes darted between them, before she closed them. Her hands pressed her ear to block their voices, but only for the voices to become louder and louder.

Cassi woke up suddenly with a gasp, her head sweating. She blinked again and again, till she was sure that she was in her room safe and secure and not in some forest among the dead.

It was 6 in the morning and she could hear the chirping of the birds. Wiping the sweat on her face, Cassi got out of her bed. She was sure that she won't be able to sleep again, so she went to take a bath. Coming out of the bathroom, Cassi saw a dress lying on her bed. Her aunt must have kept it here for her to wear it today, for the Quidditch World cup.

By 8 in the morning she was all ready. And seeing her reflection in the mirror Cassi smiled a little. She was looking beautiful. She was wearing a black full sleeves dress which reached till her knees, her black curls were down and black boots with black stocking.

 She was wearing a black full sleeves dress which reached till her knees, her black curls were down and black boots with black stocking

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