~chapter 11~

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AFTER THEIR LITTLE adventure, Cassi was now fully sure that there was no way that Lockhart might have done all those things. It wasn't possible. 

"Hey, Cassi!" Draco came striding in the common room, looking very happy than usual. Cassi, who was doing her Transfiguration essay, looked at him suspiciously.

"You picked fight the Gryffindors again, didn't you?" Cassi asked immediately.

"Gryffindors?" Draco said confused. "No, why?"

"Then why're you looking so happy?" Cassi asked.

"I got in the team." Draco announced with a proud smile.

"Really?" Cassi asked happily. Draco had applied for the position of seeker in the Slytherin team. "That's good."

"And father also bought the whole Slytherin team nimbus two thousand and one. They arrived this morning."

"Did they?" Cassi now wasn't sure whether Uncle Lucius had bribed the team for Draco.

"Yes." Draco nodded. "We're having practices now. You have to come with me."

"No." Cassi shook her head. "I can't come; I have an essay to complete."

"Oh don't be like this!" Draco complained. "You have to come. It's my first Quidditch practice. There's no way you're missing it."

"Okay, okay." Cassi agreed as she shut her book. They left the room and made their way to the Slytherin Quidditch team. They arrived where the team was waiting for them. And Cassi would be lying if she said that the people in Slytherin team didn't look mean.

"Flint." Draco greeted the captain who was looking at Cassi up and down. And she felt sick under his gaze. "Meet my best friend, Cassiopeia Geminis. Cassi, this is Marcus Flint, captain of our team."

"Cassiopeia, what a beautiful name." He was of course flirting with her, and she felt the need to gag. "Just like you."

"Did I mention I'm immune to flirting?" She said straight away. Cassi was not the one to beat around the bush.

"Ohh...a sassy one I see." Flint commented. "Should I call you Cassi?"

"Cassiopeia would be fine." Cassi said in her stoic voice.

"Flint, she is out of your league." Draco said with a protecting hand around her. "I suggest you back out."

Flint scoffed, before taking the team toward the Quidditch pitch. They were half way met by the Gryffindor team.

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