~chapter 18~

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"HARRY, IF YOU don't mind I want to talk alone with Cassiopeia." Professor Lupin said. Harry giving one last look of confusion was out of the class. Professor Lupin then walked toward his chair and sat down and motioned Cassi to sit down as well.

"Here take this." He handled her a chocolate, which Cassi took but didn't ate. She was thinking how stupid she has been just now. She should have realized that it was a boggart and should not have been so scarred. "Your boggart was rather interesting. Would you like to share your story?"

Cassi stared at him for a few seconds before she spoke. "Why're you being kind to me? You know who I am. I saw how you looked shocked at the fact that Harry was helping me."

"I apologize, I judged you too quickly." He said. "But after seeing your boggart, I get it that you are nothing like your mother. Now would you like to tell me why you are frightened of your mother?"

Cassi wasn't sure whether she should tell him or not, but she couldn't help trusting him. She felt like she could believe him for everything.

"You probably know that I live with the Malfoy's." Cassi started. "also that they are pureblood supremacist. But I had always disagreed it, of course not in front of them. But when I was eight I got angry when Uncle Lucius kept talking really ill about muggleborns and muggles and I put my views in front of him. That was the first time I ever kept my opinions in front. He was really angry at that, and took me to the Azkaban." Cassi still remembered how it felt there and couldn't suppress the shiver that went down her spine. "He took me to my mother's cell. That was the first time I saw her in real, she was covered in filth, and she looked scary. I was beaten by my mother. I was only a child then, so you can understand how scared I was. From that day I feared my mother really bad."

"That's really sad." He finally said after a moment of silence. "You didn't deserve any of it."

"It's okay." Cassi said with smile. "It's in the past now anyway. But I think that I'm not that afraid of my mother as I used to be. Earlier, in front of the boggart, I admit I got scarred, but it was because I remembered how I was beaten when I was eight. But really, I think I can stop fearing her completely in the future."

"Does Harry knows about your real identity?"

"No." Cassi shook her head. "I didn't tell him."

"That's understandable." He said. "If you ever need someone to talk to, then you can come to me."

"Thank you, Professor." Cassi said with a grin. "Honestly, I think you're the best Defense against the Dark arts teacher we ever had."

"Thank you for your compliment, Cassiopeia." He said with a smile. "I'm glad you think so."

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