~chapter 2~

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NARCISSA HAD ALREADY laid out the dress for Cassi she would have to wear when they will be out. It was a dark green ankle length dress, with full sleeves and an emerald clock above it with a hood attached. After she got ready, she looked at herself in her mirror.

She lad long black curls reaching her chest. Her eyes were emerald green and with thick long eyelashes. Her skin was porcelain. It was beautiful, no doubt, but every time she looked in the mirror, it troubled her how much she resembled her mother in matter of looks. She had seen her mother's pictures, and Cassi was a carbon copy of Bellatrix. Cassi was never proud of her mother, of the deeds she did, and not to say that she was rotting in Azkaban right now.

"Mistress is calling Miss Cassi downstairs." Dobby said appearing in the room.

"Tell aunt I'm coming downstairs." 

Dobby disappeared leaving Cassi alone. After one last look at herself in the mirror she went downstairs. Her aunt and Uncle were already waiting, and Draco was still not here.

"I'm ready." She chirped as she came next to them.

"But your brother isn't." Lucius said in annoyance. "Dobby!" The elf appeared. "Tell Draco to hurry up!" And he disappeared. Narcissa bent down to Cassi's level and tugged her clothes to make them look neat. Draco appeared by their side a minute later.

"Cassi, hold you aunt's hand." Lucius ordered. "Draco, you hold mine."

She did as ordered and they apparated to the Diagon Alley. The alley was bustling with children and adults and looked alive.

"Draco, Cassi you both go the Madam Malikin's shop," Her aunt said. "I will go look at the wands while Lucius will take the books. Don't go anywhere. We will meet you there."

They both nodded and headed to the Madam Malkin's shop. She was squat, smiling witch all in mauve.

"Hello ma'am." Cassi said while Draco remained in the background. "We need first year school robes of Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" She said with a pleasant smile. "Got a lot of them here."

She then led them inside and made them stand on a stool. Two another witches came and handled the two children, while Madam Malkin returned at the counter. The women next to Cassi slipped a long robe over her head and began to pin at the right lengths.

It was all getting pretty boring actually, just to stand here. Just then another boy of her age entered the shop and was led by Madam Malkin to stand nest to Draco, in front of Cassi. She began to work in his robes.

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