~chapter 16~

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THE HOLIDAYS FOR Cassi at her own home weren't as good as they used to be. Puberty had hit her and she had grown a few inches, her breasts were now bigger, and her face looked more matured. Cassi had also started to practice her wand less magic in alone, and she was becoming good at it. It felt natural to her. But she was able to write only few letters to her Gryffindor friends because she was now watched constantly. And she was not sure why.

The most shocking news was when she heard that Sirius Black, had escaped Azkaban. And it was no good news to her, as he happened to be the cousin of her mother, which made him her second cousin or Uncle. All she had heard about him was not good, and in her opinion he was just like her mother. So, all she now wished for him to not come any closer to her.

But there was also another thing that surprised her. Her Uncle and aunt didn't liked Black at all, and she didn't understood why. After all he too was the follower of the dark lord like them.

Cassi was downright worried for Harry when she heard he blew up his aunt. She wondered what could have made him do so. She was aware that his relatives weren't nice at all, but were they that bad? Draco was going on how Potter would definitely get expelled this time, but was furious when he wasn't.

The letters from the school arrived, and along with them the Hogsmeade permission slip. Lucius had signed hers and Draco, before they went to the Diagon Alley to get her school books. When they arrived, they first went to the Madam Malkin's shop to buy new robes and then to Flourish and Blotts to buy books. When they arrived at the bookstore, Cassi felt surprised she looked in at the bookshop window. There was a large cage of iron behind the glass that held about a hundred copies of The Monster Book of Monsters. Torn pages were flying everywhere where the book grappled with each other, locked together in furious wrestling match and snapping aggressively.

"This book is in our book list." Draco said reading the book list and looking up at the books not at all liking them. "I wonder who have assigned up such monstrous books."

They arrived inside and were met by a very distressed looking manager.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy." The manager greeted. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to purchase school books." Lucius said.

Cassi and Draco then showed the school list. They watched with interest as the manger drew on a pair of very thick gloves, picked up large knobbly walking stick, and preceded toward the door of the monstrous book's cage. With very difficulty he took out two books and handled them to both them. Cassi then got books on the other subjects she had chosen. She had taken Arithmancy, Study of ancient runes and care of magical creatures for her electives.

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