~chapter 52~

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F I F T Y - T W O

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EXAMS WERE COMING nearer, and Cassi was spending more and more of her time in the library studding. The Easter holidays came and weather grew breezier, brighter and warmer as the holidays passed. Study was one thing which was able to take Cassi's mind off the problems in her life. When she reached Slytherin common room after spending whole day in the library studying, she saw a new notice on the notice board.


All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

Cassi looked down the list and found that her was expected in Professor Snape's office at half-past one on Monday, which would mean missing most of Defense against the dark arts class. She and the other fifth years spent a considerable part of the final weekend of the Easter break reading all the career information that had been left there for their perusal.

"Well, I don't fancy Healing," said Daphne on the last evening of the holidays. She was immersed in a leaflet that carried the crossed boneand-wand emblem of St. Mungo's on its front. "It says here you need at least an E at N.E.W.T. level in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Who studies this much?"

"Well it's a very responsible rob, isn't it?" said Blaise. He was halfway through a pamphlet on Wizard banking. "Listen to this: 'Are you seeking a challenging career involving travel, adventure, and substantial, danger-related treasure bonuses? Then consider a position with Gringotts Wizarding Bank, who are currently recruiting CurseBreakers for thrilling opportunities abroad. . . .' They want Arithmancy, though. . . . You could do it, Cassi!"

"She doesn't much fancy banking." Draco answered for Cassi. 

"So what do you want to do?" Pansy asked. She had been on speaking terms with Cassi since she realized that to be with Draco, she had to tolerate Cassi too. It didn't mean that Cassi tolerated her. For Cassi, Pansy was still a nuisance. 

"I'm thinking of Auror." said Cassi. 

"Auror?" Blaise said. "It needs the highest scores in N.E.W.T.S. and it's the most difficult job to get. Only the best get selected."

"Do you have any doubt that Cassi won't be able to do it?" Daphne said with a scoff. 

"I'm going to bed." Cassi said standing up, no longer interested in reading the leaflets. With Voldemort getting stronger day by day, and she being a death eater, was there any chance of the future that she was planning? NO. There wasn't. She was in first year, when she met the centaur 'Firenze' for the first time, and he predicted that she was probably going to die young and she have to give up happiness to fulfill her destiny. There was still 'probably' in her death prediction anyway. Now she understood what did he meant by giving up happiness. Because that was what she was doing right now. Giving up her own happiness to ensure others. 

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