Searching For Kaelynn

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                        Charlize, Brian, and I came back to the hotel, hoping that Kaelynn would be there. Unfortunantly, she wasn't. I becamed worried, like any mother would.

"She can't be far," Brian said, sitting on one of the beds.

"I know, but I'm still worried. She's probably hurt!"

Char still hasn't said anything. She just sat in the corner, on her ipad. By her actions, she looked as if she didn't care about her sister, at a glance. I know her. And I know she will practically die without her sister.

"If it'll make you feel any better, I'll go look for--"

"No!" I shook my head. "No, I'll do it." She would most likely not even go near Brian. Even though she probably would put up a fight with me, it's best if I go instead of him.

"Are you sure?" It's so sweet of him to be concerned.

"Yes, I'm sure. Just stay here with Char, and I'll be right back." I gave him a smile, then left the room.

Honestly, Kaelynn worries me. She has ever since she stepped her foot in my house. The way she acts just wasn't right for a child. Er, teenager. Even now, when she trusted me. I could almost never tell what exactly she was thinking. On occasions, I guess her mood and thoughts exactly, but it was rare.

I regret having to put her and Char through everything. It's not fair that they had a crappy childhood, and I'm to blame. Because I was stupid. Just remembering giving them up disgusted and hurted me. Okay, but if I hadn't given then up, they probably would have had a worse childhood. Not having a motherly figure to take care of them.

Still, I should have got them when my aunt and uncle died. My parents wouldn't allow it, though. I guess their pride was more important than their grandkids' happiness. And mine. Just thinking about all of this made me call them.

"Hello?" My dad's sleepy-sounding voice answered on the third ring.


"Ciara! Baby, why are you calling me at this time of night?"

"Dad, it's barely six."

"So? We old people likes to sleep early!"

That almost made me laugh. Almost. "Dad, I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Your granddaughters. More importantly, the relationship between them and you and Mom."

There was a pause on his end. "Yes? What's wrong about it?"

"Kaelynn is lost."

"The baby girl?"

I gritted my teeth. "No. The oldest."

"Why the heck is that girl lost? She can find her way back, right?"

"DAD! That's not the point! The point is that I told them I was their mother, and she ran away from me!"

"...It's about time."

Really? I cannot believe he just said that. 'It's about time'? What was that supposed to mean?

"DAD! You don't understand!"

"Oh, I understand fine, Ciara. You finally put your big-girl-shorts on and took responsibility for your children. Thinking you're all high and mighty. Then, it all came crashing down. They don't want you to be their mother. Why? Because you're just an irresponsible, ignorant woman who can't do anything right."

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