The Turn For the Worst

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                                                     I never really expected them to actually want to go to their father's grave, considering the fact that they barely knew him. It was unexpected, yet very sweet that they wanted to do it. Personally, I wanted to wait for Charlize to be a bit older before showing her, but I guess being 11 isn't all that young. Especially since she suggested it herself.

A week after the trip, we set off to the graveyard. Char was being unnaturally quiet in the backseat, while Kaelynn was in the passenger seat, gazing out the window. Thoughts were running wild in my head, some about how they would react, some about how I would react, and some about how Mike would react about the kids, if he were still here.

The rocks popped under the wheels of my truck as we made our way to his grave. My heart was beating like crazy at the thought of seeing his grave again. Once we got there, I got out and walked over to his grave. The flowers in front of his grave stone was old and wiltted, so I motioned for Char to put the arrangement of roses in their place. As soon as I made contact with the stone, it was as if an old connection was restored again. My heart swelled as I smiled down at the newly grown grass.

"Wow. Our dad looks good!" Char commented, pointing at the picture that was attatched to the stone, covered in glass.

"Yeah. He does."

Kaelynn hadn't said a word since we got in the car, and I found myself wondering what she was thinking about. I softly bumped her with my hip, and she looked up at me. "You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm alright." She smiled a little as she looked at the grave.

"You know, I used to come up here everyday. I would talk to him, because I know he can hear me. And I believe he watches over me, and points me in the right direction. And that he told me where you two were at."

"Do you still talk to him a lot?" Char asked me.

"I try, whenever I have  some time to spare, because I can't keep travelling this long distance."

I placed a hand on the girls' shoulders and squeezed them softly.

"Wait, I thought he lived in Georgia?" Kaelynn questioned.

"Well, yeah. He had moved there. But, his hometown was here, in L.A."

"Oh." Kaelynn leaned her head against me, and I smiled.

Finally, I can say we're a family. The four of us, here, together.


"So, I we have this performance coming up, Mommy!" Char exclaimed to me once we were heading home.

Kaelynn nodded. "It's supposed to be really good. Atleast, I think so!"

"When is it?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Like, the week before school. We're gonna be with our whole crew, it's gonna be amazing!"

Kaelynn sounded so excited for once, which is foreign to me. I never really heard her so excited and hyped up about something. Hearing that tone from her makes me smile.

"Mommy, can we make a cake when we get home? I've always wanted to, and the three of us can do it together!" Char was bouncing in her seat.

I chuckled at her happiness. "Sure, baby. What kind?"

"Strawberry--no, vanilla--no, CHOCOLATE! YES!"

Kaelynn and I exploded into laughter. Char was something else!

"Mama?" Kaelynn asked, making my heart flutter.


"Since you're a singer, you should sing for me."

"KayKay, I already sing for y'all."

"No. I mean for my birthday. So all my friends can hear you in person!"

I patted her thigh. "Okay, I will."

Kaelynn grabbed my right hand with her right hand and thanked me a billion times. The things I would do for these two.

We were upcoming a mighty deep curve in the road, with a dirt path to the left of us, entering the curve. Whomever designed the road to be like this is really stupid. 'Cause one wrong jolt of the wheel, and you're crashing into the field to the right of us.

"I love you two so--"

I couldn't finish my sentence because there was an impact on my side of the car, and everything went black. Pain shot up the left side of my body, and I was jerked all around, until some unknown force appeared in front of me, holding me back. I felt the truck flip over and over and over, and my head collided with the steering wheel and my seat multiple times, and a few with the ceiling. When the truck stopped moving, my whole body ached with pain. Blood poured down my face, and the last thing I heard was Kaelynn saying "MAMA!" before totally blacking out.

A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I know it's supposed to be a holiday filled with love and all, buuuut...I hate it. And sorry for giving you such a sad/happy chapter, despite the day filled with "love"!

Thank you to the people who voted and read and commented and all thay crap! A picture of Ciara and the girls and what they were wearing and all! And a video featuring Char Char! I love this video!

Only two more chapters left! Thanks to the girl who commented that they wanted three instead of two! And, now you guys are going to kill me!

I love you all!

FlavahzNation Forever!

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