Phone Suicide

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                         A few more months have passed, and Charlize has regained some of her memory back. Now, it was like nothing ever happened. We joked and talked forever, and Kaelynn seemed pretty content about everything. Her grades got better in school, and she went out with her friends more.

And, of course, I still hadn't let my secret slip out, which is slowly starting to kill me. Just knowing four words can wipe their smiles of their faces in an instant made me sad. My friends and family keep pestering me to tell them, but I just can't. Maybe I should've told them when we first saw each other. It would have been less complicated.

"Your turn!" Char exclaimed, patting my leg.

We were playing Monopoly in the living room, since it was a Friday night. Kaelynn would usually be out with her friends, but tonight she was right beside me, playing with us.

I rolled the die and moved my marker, to land on a property that Kaelynn owned!

"Ahaaaaa! You gotta pay up!" She said in triumph.

I fake groaned and gave her the correct amount of money. We played a few more minutes, and Kaelynn managed to end up in jail.

"BAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA! Now you're in jail!" I laughed, and she made a pouty face. Well, it would be. She had a mouthful of popcorn in her mouth, which made her look even funnier.

"Fas ot unny," she protested, crossing her arms.

"It kind've is!" I joked.

We played for a few more minutes, before I said, "I got a treat for you two!"

Char's eyes lit up like a christmas tree. "Really? What is it?"

"Not 'what', but 'where'. We are going to many places in the Summer, once school is over! You know, so we can get closer."

How cheesy did that sound? Very.

"Oh my gosh, that's so cool!"

Kaelynn nodded in agreement.

"So, I take it you two want to go?"

"Yes!" They said in unison!


"Yes, everything's back to normal," I said to Jeff while I washed the dishes.

"You sure? You need to watch out now, you hear? You sure you don't want me to be there?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I only want it to be family time. Just the three of us. The whole issue is blown over, okay?"

"I know that. careful. Don't get into trouble."

"I won't, Jeff!"

He was talking about a meeting on Monday, when I felt the phone leave my ear. A 'plop' and bubbles on my face told me what had happened. I quickly searched for the phone, and held it up once I found it. The screen had water in it, and bubbles were everywhere. Great, it looks like I'm going to have to get a new phone.

Sighing, I placed the phone on the counter. That phone is always slipping out my hand and dies faster, like it wants to commit suicide, or something. I needed a more stable one anyways, one that WON'T slip out of my hand.

"Hey, Ciara! Can we--whoa! What happened to your phone?" Charlize asked, stopping her skipping.

"It slipped into the water," I answered, drying my hands on a hand towel.

"Are you gonna get a new one?"

"Yes, I'm 'gonna get a new one'. Probably today. 'Cause, my phone is so important. And, I may get you one too."

A smile stretched across her face. "Really?"

"Yeah. You're responsible enough. You feed Zesty everyday, do your chores, make good grades. So why not?"

Charlize bounced in her spot. "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

"If we go now, we can get back by nightfall. COME ON, KAELYNN!" I shouted, grabbing my purse.

Char and I came out of the kitchen, and Kaelynn was descending the stairs. Since it was extremely warm, so I just made them slip on a jacket.

The phone store was very bright, due to the florescent lighting. Kaelynn was looking at the phone cases, pointing out ones she liked. I went around with Char to pick out a phone for the both of us.

"Oooh! How about this one?" She held up a phone as big as her head.

"Noooo, no no no no! Way too big. How about one that won't fall out your small hand?"

As we continued our search, I made sure I was well disguised. I had huge sunglasses on, a plain, black jacket, jeans, sneakers that aren't the most expensive-looking, and my hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail. Nothing fabulous. Which is just perfect.

Finally we found phones, and Kaelynn has a new case for hers. So I went to pay for everything, and noticed the cashier staring at Kaelynn and Char. I cleared my throat and asked, "May I help you?"

She blinked a couple of times before turning her attention to me. "Huh?"

Rude. "Do you have a problem with them?" Yep, I made sure you could hear the attitude in my voice.

"Wh-what? Oh, no, ma'am. They just look...familiar."

Luckily, I had my shades on so she couldn't see my eyes widen. "No, they don't," I quickly said, then mentally cursed myself for sounding so nervous.

"Yes, they do. Hey, aren't they--"

"MEGAN!" A manly voice yelled.

The cashier shrunk down, and looked to a man that was round, but tall that came towards us from a door behind the counter. I was greatful that had happened, and sighed.

"Stop asking the customer a billion questions and GET BACK TO WORK!"

Megan rung up the phones, and the guy smiled at me. I smiled back. "I'm sorry about Megan, ma'am. She's a bit...chatty, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, it's okay."

We took care of the phones, then left. I safely made it back home, and the sky was starting to darken, just as I predicted. I let the dogs out to do their business, when Char was standing beside me.

"Thanks, Ciara," she said.

"You don't have to thank me." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed them.

"No, I mean for everything. You're such an amazing person, and I love you so much." She leaned her head against me.

"I love you too, Char."

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I had studying to do. And more writing other stories *wink, wink*. Hey, atleast it's sorta long!
The media is another cover idea. Sorry if it's pixelated.
Thanks for the votes! IT'S OVER 1K!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT right now!!! Love you guys!
FlavahNation Forever!

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