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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

                         The next morning, I woke up and stumbled down the stairs groggily. I rubbed my eyes when I entered the kitchen to see a sight that I never thought I'd see.

That Brian dude from last night was at the table with my sister, laughing about something. Ciara leaned on the counter behind him, sipping on what looked and smelled like coffee. Okay, so teasing about them being together was one thing. But them actually being together is another. I had this weird feeling, and I didn't like it. It wasn't from when I first stayed here. It was much different.

"Good morning, Kaelynn," Ciara said with a smile.

"Ciara, can I speak to you?" I asked, ignoring what she had said.

She gave me a weird look before following me out the kitchen. "What is it, honey?"

"What the heck is he doing here?!?"


"Yeah. I didn't know you was actually marrying him!"

Ciara choked on a sip of coffee. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said anything about marriage? We're just talking."

"But, you don't even know him!"

"Yeah. That's why people talk," she said in a sarcastic way, making me roll my eyes.

"Ciara, you just met him. And you already letting him sleep here?"

Ciara crossed her arms. "He didn't sleep here, for your information. His car broke down, and he needed somewhere to stay."

"And how convenient it was to be here, of all places!"

"Kaelynn, what is wrong with you? Last night you wouldn't stop talking about us being together, now you're acting so sour about him? Knowing those things, I could accuse you of being drunk or something! What is wrong?"

I couldn't stand it. She just invites a stranger into this home and acts like it's alright. That just doesn't work out with me. I can't deal with it. I walk away. That's all I do. Walk away.

"Kaelynn? Kaelynn come back here and talk to me!"

Ignoring her, I went back upstairs.

"Get back down here, young lady! Kaelynn!"

I shut my room door and slumped to the floor. Maybe...maybe it was a bad idea to trust her. She could have told him anything. Anything.


The next few days consisted of that Brian guy being over here everyday. He would play and do things with Char, and talk to Ciara. And me? I stayed in my room and entertain myself with dance videos. There was no way I would go down there to interact with them. I would call the twins or Jaira, and they would come by and spend the day with me.

"Have you thought about getting a job?" Tamara asked randomly one day.

"No. I never really got one because I wouldn't be able to keep it. Well, when I was at the orphanage."

"Then, lets go look for one!"

"Tam, I can't. I have these summer trips I have to go to."

"So? I'll work for you."

I actually was considering it. But, Tam had a job too. "Nah. You have a job too. It's a nice thought, so I could get away from these people. Maybe I'll get one later on in the year."

"So, what's with that guy downstairs?" Tam asks. "Ciara's new boyfriend or what?"

"I guess so. I don't like him," I blurted out, fumbling with my shoelaces randomly.

"Why? What did he do?"

I shrugged when I realized I had no exact reason to not like him. I barely knew him!

"See? You don't even know him, yet you don't like him!"

"Shut up! It's hard to explain."

Tam looked up from her phone. "Any examples?"

"Well...I don't like how he just showed up on her doorstep, and immediately got all her attention. It's like he's soooo important, even though she claims she doesn't like him!"

"Well, isn't that the exact same thing that happened when you and Char arrived? She paid more attention to you and Char than her career. It's in her nature, I guess."

"And how he just hits on her when we're right there? Unbelievable!"

"Weren't you the one who was teasing them about it?"

I hated it when Tam was right. She was right many times.

"That's not the point! And she started to yell at me because I wouldn't answer questions, but talk all nice and sweet to that guy!" I huffed, crossing my arms.

Tam had a huge smirk on her face, and I looked at her, confused. "What?"

"You're jealous," Tam concluded.

"Wha--no, I'm not! I just--I--NO!"

The older girl just nodded her head. "Yeah, you do."

"Tam, no I do not!"

"It's a sign that you like her. You care. You love her."

"No, I..."

I stopped midsentence. Tamara's words soaked into my head. She said I love her. I may actually love her. I wouldn't be jealous if I hadn't.

"I'm I?" I questioned, more to myself.

Tam nodded. "You finally love her. Don't you?"

I did. I admit it. I love her.

A/N: Well, thanks for reading my short chapter! There's the current cover. And forgive me for the shortness of the chapter. Brian wasn't meant to originally be in this.

Fun Fact: Originally, it was meant to be only a Kaelynn and Ciara story. Char was going to be Beyoncé's child. And the story was going to be called At Last, because Kaelynn at last met her mother. I won't get too much into it.

FlavahzNation Forever!

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