Restoring Char's Memory

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

When I first realized Char was awake, the first thing I wanted to do was lie about Ciara. She had left the room, so I thought this was the perfect oppurtunity. Except for two things. Tiara and Tamara were both in the room. And I felt something when I first thought of it. Thinking about Ciara's face and how she would feel made me feel...sorry. and I felt bad for thinking of it.

Now, today was the day Char was released from the hospital. Weird how "released from the hospital" and "released from prison" sound so alike? That's what it felt like to me. Sitting there, waiting to see your loved one again. After two months.

Charlize wasn't as suspicious about Ciara anymore. More like confused. She kept asking us a bunch of questions, and Ciara looked estatic to answer them. And, that she'd show her videos once we were home. Home. I never thought I would call that place "home". I was pretty sure I would hate that place for the rest of my life. But, I am so glad to be there now.

"And, here is our home," Ciara announced, opening the front door to the house.

Charlize stepped in and "wow"ed about how it looks. Like the first day. She examined the furniture, then squealed when she saw the dogs. That made me let out a laugh. I was sure she would remember them.

"Oh my gosh! Tyson and Georgia, I missed you so much!" Char exclaimed, hugging both of the tiny dogs.

Ciara smiled at the sight, and said she was going to make us breakfast/lunch. When she left, Char began to look at the pictures on the wall. There was one in particular that she couldn't stop looking at. It was one of her and Ciara, she was being picked up by the woman, and they were both smiling. Personally, I thought it was one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen.

"So...we really live with her?" Charlize questioned.

I nodded in confirmation. "Yes. We do. She adopted us, remember?"

"No. No, I do not. Hey, where's my cat?"

I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. "Cat?"

"Yeah, my cat, Zesty. Where is he?"

Oh, she must've dreamt it. "Char, you don't have a cat. You must have dreamt it."

"But...but, it felt so real."

"I'm sorry, Char."

Ciara emerged from the kitchen, and was about to go upstairs until she noticed my sister's expression. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I don't have a cat!" Char said.

"What? A cat?" She looked at me for some explanation, but I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah. I thought I had a cat. But I don't. I just dreamed that I did!" Charlize had that look on her face. Oh no. She's about to cry.

My eyes widened in alarm, and I tried to think of something quickly. "Don't cry Char! You still have Tyson and Georgia!"

Oh yeah. That totally helped.

"Char, please don't! Look, I'll--"

"I will get you a cat!" Ciara interrupted. She bent down to Char's level. "Okay? We can go right now! C'mon!"

I swear, this woman surprises me in the weirdest ways.


"Ooooh! That one! That's him!" Char proclaimed, pointing to a calico cat behind the glass.

We were in the third pet store in town, since the other two didn't have the right cat for Charlize.

"Char, we saw a cat just like that in the first one!" I pointed out.

"Nuh-uh! Besides, I can just feel it!"

"The cat?"

"No, that this is Zesty. His aura just gives off the right energy and feeling."

"You sound like a psychic right now. Is this the cat you want?"

"Yes! He's perfect!"

Ciara went to pay for the cat, and Charlize marveled at it by pressing her face against the glass. Once everything was settled, we left with the cat and cat supplies like the litter box, cat food, etc. The whole way home, Char was stroking the cat, which surprised me. I expected her to be playing with him and scare him senseless. We got inside the warm house, and Zesty was left to explore his surroundings. With Char right behind him.

Ciara and I were in the kitchen, preparing pancakes and waffles, Char's favorite. She was talking about memories of Char before the incident, smiling and laughing about them. I smiled along with her, and laughing when appropiate. Once we were done, Ciara called Charlize in, and we started to eat.

"You have so many pictures of us," Charlize commented, with a mouthful of pancake.

"Yeah," Ciara said. "Because I love you guys."

Charlize and I froze. Not once, ever since we lived at the orphanage (A/N: I now know what it's called XD), has an adult said those three words to us. Those words seem unreal to us, like they don't exist. Of course we love each other, but that's all we have to love. Each other.

Char's eyes watered up, and she went and gave the woman a hug. Ciara seemed surprised at the gesture, but happily returned it.


That night, I tucked Char into bed. Zesty laid right beside her, and I couldn't help but smile. We said our good-nights to each other, and I turned her light out on my way out of her room. As usual, I went into my room, and played on my tablet until I was sure she was sleep. Then, I tiptoed into Ciara's room.

"Kaelynn?" Ciara said.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Why do you try to be quiet when you come in here? I know it's you. It always is."

I climbed into bed with her. "I don't know. It just seems...appropiate."

She chuckled, then pulled me into her. We stayed that way for a while, and just before I started to drift off, Ciara said, "You know I meant what I said earlier."

"About what?"

"That I love you two. I have for a while. I just...didn't have the heart to say it."


"Because, you would've probably throttled me in my sleep."

I had to laugh at that. "Really?"

"Yes. Because I know you'd do anything to protect you and your sister's feelings."

I pressed my ear to her chest, and I listened to her heartbeat. It seemed to be slowing down, and I heard her yawn.

"Good-night, Kaelynn," she mumbled.

"Night, Ciara."

A/N: Picture mentioned. I love the word "throttle". It sounds so funny to me!
Anyways, thanks for the votes and comments and reads! You guys are amazing. If you have a story you want me to read, feel free to say so. NOT in the comments though. On my messageboard, so EVERYONE who sees my page can see it, and probably read it. And don't forget to share!
I already have planned everything that is going to happen, so I might update two chapters on some days. But, I also have exams. Buuuuut, who cares?!?
And, Char actually has a cat named Zesty! I forgot what he looks like, and I'm too lazy to rewatch the video that I saw him in. She actually has three: Zesty, Lukey, and a third one whose name I don't know.
FlavahzNation Forever!

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