My Dad

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

                             I just could not believe that woman had the nerve to actually face mom...whatever. I was still upset about all of that, but decided this was more important than that. That woman terrorized my sister and I, and she wasn't going to get away with it.

"You aren't going nowhere," she growled, with her wrinkled arms outstretched to prevent us from passing her.

"Yes, we are," Ciara spoke up. "And you're coming with us."

Ann gave us a puzzled look.

"To jail," Ciara added, lightly pushing me behind her. Like she was guarding me from the old woman. But, what for?

Ann clapped her hands to her cheeks. "Oh no! Jaaaail! Not that place again!" She gasped, heavy sarcasm dripping with each word.

I couldn't see Ciara's face nor her reaction, but I could tell she really hated this woman. "Oh, I think they'll send you to a far worse place than just jail. Poisoning little children! Do you have nothing better to do with your life?"

"Honey, I do this for a living. Hasn't your crappy daughter told you? I love doing this. It excites me. Makes me happy, darling."


Ann chuckled, which was followed by a raspy cough. "Something's wrong with everyone, darling. Even you. What's your secret?"

Ciara wasn't expecting that, because her shoulders fell a bit. "That's none of your concern," she muttered barely under her breath. She was ashamed for not telling us earlier. That, or she was ashamed of us. Which kind've hurt, but not too much, because many people hated us.

"What was that?" Ann took a step closer.

Ciara was extremely uncomfortable, I could tell. She hung her head, and started fumbling with her fingers. That was her weakest point, being uncomfortable, because Ann took the opportunity to attack.

"Ciara!" I shouted in surprise as I saw her body fall to the ground a couple meters away from me. For an old lady, Ann was stronger than she looked.

I looked back at Ann, who was smirking at me. She looked absolutely disgusting. Inside and out. A monster. "Come on, little girl! We have a game to play! And we can invite your sister too!"

And that's what set me off. The whole thing was blur, and I couldn't see anything. All I heard was the woman yelling for me to stop. Which I didn't do, until a set of arms pulled me off of her. I was reluctant to stop, thus beginning my kicking and struggling.

"Kaelynn stop!" As soon as I heard her voice, I hung in her arms. Ann laid on the ground, staring up at me with eyes wide and filled with horror. I didn't feel sorry for her one tiny bit. She deserved everything that was coming to her.

Ciara sat me on my feet, and went to help the woman up. I stood there with my arms crossed, and feeling very sour about all the things that woman has done to us, causing trouble.


We were back from the second vacation-type thing, and I was up in my room. As usual. Ann was brought into the police station and was immediately locked up. One less thing for us to worry about. But, I still had a question nagging at the back of my head.

A knock sounded at my door, interrupting the text conversation I was having with Tam. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Me," I heard Ciara mumble.

A sigh escaped my mouth and I told her to come in. I haven't really spoken to her since we've got back from the trip, and it was unintentional, to be honest.

She looked like she was beating herself over the whole situation. Bags were under her eyes, her skin was paler, and she lost some weight. Not saying she was fat or anything! She just looks...smaller. I didn't say anything about her appearance though. Didn't want ti seem rude, despite the recent events.

"Hey," she said, smiling at me. A sad little smile, and I felt bad. Just looking at her made me feel guilty. The reason she looked like this was because of me.

"Hi," I answered, crossing my legs on my bed.

She came over and asked to sit down beside me, and I accepted. Before she could say another word, I interrupted her.

"I am so sorry for all of this! It's all my fault, and I didn't mean for this to happen! Well, I was mad and everything, but I didn't want you to be hurt like that! And, none of this was your fau--"

"Kaelynn, calm down!" Ciara laughed, placing a hand on my knee, which got me to shut up. "I don't blame for anything. Yeah, I regret keeping this secret from you two all this long, but you wouldn't have understood it if I told you earlier."

My eyes were trained to the floor, unable to look her in the eye. "Why did you?"

"Cause...I wanted to protect you. Trust me, I would have told you a long time ago, but was to scared to. And then the whole thing with Char happened,'s a mess."

"...You lied to us," I murmured.

I heard her sigh. "I know, and I'm sorry. It's been difficult not living without y'all and I've thought about you two everyday before you came here."

I still didn't feel comfortable around her like I was a month ago, but the feeling's coming back. Slowly, but surely. That question that kept turning over and over and over in my head flew out my mouth.

"Who's my dad?" I blurted out. I looked at Ciara, whose eyes were wide, and I could tell she was scared of hearing those words.

But, they had to be asked. I want to know everything about Char and I, who we came from and everything.

Judging by the uncomfortable look on her face, this was a sensitive subject for her. She removed her hand from my knee and fumbled with her fingers. Nothing was said for a minute, and I grew a bit irritated at the lack of a response from her. Did she not hear me, or did she chose not to answer?


She faced me, looking paler than before. I wanted to tell her to forget about it, but no. I had a right to know this.

"Who is my dad?" I repeated, holding strong eye contact with her. I needed an answer.

"His name's Mike," she finally answered. Which was a good sign. I think.

"Okay...where is he?"

Ciara's gaze went to the floor again before returning back to me.


A/N: There's the picture of the place in the last chapter, since I had forgot what the heck I was supposed to put up there!
It's not the end yet, you guys! You're probably like, "Will she hurry uuuuup?!?" But, the rest of the chapters (including this one) may seem a bit rushed, so I could hurry up and finish. I bet you all would love that hmm? *nods like an idiot with stupid look on my face*
OHMEGOSH! I HAVE 2K READS?!? I LOVE YOU GUYS! And look at them VOTES! It may not be a lot to some people, but it means the world to meeeee! XD

FlavahzNation Forever!

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