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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

          That woman was getting to me. The nice things, the "care card". She was trying to kill me. I just know there's one flaw about her thay can make Char and I despise her, or something! Giving us gifts and doing things for us like she's our mom. Pfffffft!

The next morning, I woke up feeling more relaxed than usual. My muscles weren't tense, and I wasn't angry as usual, when I woke up. Then, I remembered that I don't have Rachel to yell at us to get up, and that Vanilla and Chamomile scent in my room. "It's to calm and relax, you know?" I rolled my eyes before I got out of bed to get ready for today.

After showering and putting on some comfy, warm clothes, I went downstairs. Charlize wasn't in my room, waiting for me to wake up like she used to do at the center, even though we had the same bedroom.

"...And, so you do all of that to get this!" I heard Ciara said.

"Are you done?" I heard my sister ask.

"Mmmm...Now I am. Go look in the mirror."

They were in the living room, Charlize looking at herself in the mirror. She had a new hairstyle. It looks really good, to be honest. Before, she had straightened hair, and now her hair's in a curly afro.

  "I...I love it! Ciara, this is amazing! You're magical, I swear!"

  Charlize started to softly tug at the bouncy curls, mesmerized at the unfamiliar look. I just stood at the entrance of the room, watching her. I could feel Ciara's stare at the side of my face. Don't look at her, don't look at her, DO NOT LOOK AT HER! Too late. My eyes went to her, and I couldn't move them. Just by looking at her made me have that weird feeling again. This time, it was bigger than before. God, she had pretty eyes. Stop, Kaelynn!

  "Good morning, Kaelynn," she said.

  "M-morning," I stuttered out. Really, KayKay? Really? Way to sound tough. Or, atleast not an idiot.

  "Come have a seat." She patted the space beside her.

  I did as I was told, and sat beside her. Except, I left a space big enough for a whole person  to sit in. I was still looking at Ciara, who smiled at me. My mouth stayed in a straight line. I tried to show no evidence that her smile fazed me. Call me crazy, but her eyes look like Char's. Insane, I know. We're not related to her, there is no way we are.

  "Do you like my new hair style, KayKay?" Charlize asked, now looking at me, a huge grin on her face.

Gladly, I broke my eye contact with the woman to face my sister. "Uhh, yeah, Char. That good."

  "The straight hair didn't suit her or her personality," Ciara said.

  This time, I didn't look at her. I kept my eyes on my sister, who was smiling at Ciara. There must be some spell she has on my sister to have her smile like that, and all the time. I've never seen her this happy. Even when we would occasionally go out in public when we were at the center.

  "Now, y'all are almost ready to go to school on Monday," Ciara said.

  Both of our faces dropped, Char and I's. We had to go to a new school. Full of people we don't know. And we're in separate grades--separate grade levels! Char would be in middle school (young, I know), and I would be in highschool, starting 11th grade. It is the beginning of November, after all. I should've known this was coming.

  "Don't worry, I have all your supplies. I've registered you two at your schools. Everything's figured out, everything's fine. I will pack your lunches, because I don't trust that school lunch. And..."

  She must've noticed the look on our faces, because she stopped talking. I faced her, forgetting about earlier. We're in a different area of L.A., an unknown place. So, we have no idea how the people here are going to act. And, that's what I think scares us the most.

  "What's wrong? Y'all honestly don't think you weren't going to school, did you?"

  "In this area? Of L.A.?" I questioned.

  Ciara nodded slowly. "Yeah. It's nice here, though. I'm pretty sure the kids here are nice."

  "Oh really? Have you went to school around here before?" I asked, sarcasm a little in my voice.

  "Er, no--"

  "Okay, then. You don't know what it's like to go to different schools." I sat back and crossed my arms.

  "Listen, Kaelynn. I do know what it's like to go to different schools. I moved around a lot because my parents were in the military. Yes, I know it's hard, because you have to make new friends, and it's different, and--"

  "I have no friends."

  That sure shut Ciara up. Her mouth was closed, and I could tell that she was thinking of something to say. I sighed and got off the couch. I couldn't take being around her. I just can't. She's just...UGHHHHH!



  Ciara. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to talk to anybody. Especially her.

  "Kaelynn, I know you're awake. Your breathing has sped up."

  Okay, stalker. I opened my eyes, yet still faced the wall beside my bed. The warmth on only my back told me that she was sitting on my bed. God, she smelled so good. Like Vanilla. Or is it just my room?

  "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed. She was just too likeable. If it wasn't for my trust issues, I would've instantly liked her instead of hate her. How caring she is just puts the icing on the cake of hatred.

  "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't know any of these things. I've never took care of children before. So, I don't know what to expect."

  "Didn't read, like, some child-caring book, or teenager book, or a book of how to take care of adopted kids? I'm sure those would help."

  "Kaelynn, I'm serious."

  "I'm serious too! You can't expect to waltz into our life and think you can replace our par--" I stopped, choking on the word parents. It was always hard for me to say that word, so I'd try to avoid it at all costs.

  "Kaelynn...I have something to tell you."

A/N: Charlize with current hair and straight hair.

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