Core of My Heart ~THE END~

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

                                                     The worst sound I've ever heard was my mother's heart monitor go flat. That horrific noise letting me know that she was gone. Our mother was truly gone. And she wasn't coming back. Charlize and I haven't even lived with her for a whole year! Another important person just ripped from our lives in the blink of an eye. I cried and begged her to come back, because I needed her back. The feeling of losing your birthmom is so painful, I can't even put it into words.

The funeral wasn't any better. We saw our mom for the last time, but I didn't want it to be the last time. I wanted to continue seeing her for the rest of my life. Or atleast hers. The way she looked so peaceful in her coffin made me want to smile and cry at the same time. I knew she was going to a better place. She deserves to go to the best place there is. The sweet thing is that she wasn't buried in Georgia. She was buried right beside our dead father. Even her stone was similar to his, with a picture of her encased in glass. And I said that when I die, I'm getting buried here too. Char agreed also. A family site.

Just think about how Char must feel. Judging by the way she looks now-a-days, she's devastated. And she keeps saying it's her fault, because she told Mom to go visit our dad. But, she didn't make that truck crash into us. I keep telling her that, but she insists it was her fault.

Then, there was Brian. When I was awake, he hadn't visit our mom not one time. I didn't even see a card from him. And he hadn't shed a tear at the funeral. Not even a flower from him, even though a brought a bunch of roses identical to my father's. And he spoked to nobody. Except me. And all he said was, "Sorry". Like, WHAT THE FUDGE?!? That's all he had to say? SORRY?!? That made me hate him even more. And had me more suspicious.

Mama's fans had surrounded the gates of the graveyard, giving us gifts, and saying how she's very loved and will be missed. I couldn't even face them. I just stayed with Char and cried over her grave. I snuck a picture of the three of us in her casket, so we can be with her forever. In a way.

Tam and Ti's parents invited us to stay with them, since we couldn't abandon everything we've done here in L.A. And I don't want to be far away from our parents. They're nice people, and treated us like their own.

The guy who hit us wasn't there at the scene. He had fled, leaving his bumper and his license plate, which the police have in custody, to track down whoever it was. So far, no luck. And they had no idea who it could be. But I know one thing.

I'm going to find the guy who has ruined our lives all over again.

Mom will always be in our hearts. Even though I was a brat when we first met, I don't regret it. If anything, it has made our relationship stronger than it would have been if I liked her from the beginning. And I know I love her. I may have not known at first, but we've had this connection. And it won't break, it never will. And I known this. From the core of my heart.

A/N: THE END!!! Sad, I know, but how the heck can I end on a happy note??? Yes, there will be a sequel in the future, I just need to figure out a plot and a title. Well, I have the plot, I just need to find a title.

I want to thank all my readers, especially who has voted on all the chapters. And the ones who have supported me from the very first chapter! I love you all!

There's what the wore to the funeral. So...yah.

In the meantime, while I'm writing the sequel, go check out Mother Like no Other. It features Camren and Summer! I'll be writing more to it also!

And if you've read Revengence, you probably hate me even more now! Check out Regret too! It has Kaelynn and Tam in it! And Ciara! And they're alive!!!

And I may make an alternate chapter for this one. So, read my Alternate Chapters book!

Okay, I'm done guys! Love you all!

FlavahzNation Forever!

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