That's What They All Say

180 8 1

Kaelynn's P.O.V.

                       Ciara and I sat in the back of the ambulance, by the unconcious Char. I wiped my tears away, trying not to seem weak. Because I'm not weak. Just...surprised. My sister just had a seizure, what was I to do? I couldn't help her! Seeing her body shake and jerk violently sent me into hysterical tears. But, I did notice that Ciara had stopped singing. And when I glanced up there, she was crying too. She must really care about Char to stop her performance and drop everything. Just for us.

  "Yes, I know what thjs will do to my career," Ciara said in her phone. I'm fairly positive that she was up there with her manager. "...It was a family emergency...I'm sure my fans understand...Oh, yeah. They don't know...What am I supposed to do? Shout it from the rooftops? I don't want them to live with my difficult lifestyle...Look, I'm hanging up...'Bye."

  She sighed, and I looked at her. She gave me a weak smile. "You okay?" I asked.

  "Yeah. Manager."

  I nodded, as if I understood. Which I didn't. My eyes then rested on my baby sister. I blinked the upcoming tears away, this was no time to cry. Again.

Finally, we were at the hospital, and the nurses got Char out of the truck, Ciara and I following. She got pushed into an empty room, and we stood off to the side, so we wouldn't get in the way of the doctor and nurses. They hooked up machines to her, and I winced as they pierced a needle into her skin. It looked painful, and if Char was awake, she would scream. She absolutely hates needles, because of a horror movie we saw when we were younger, at the center. It was the middle of the night and we were bored, okay!

Ciara and I sat in two hospital chairs, and we watched Charlize's motionless body. The doctor was probing and messing with her, and I felt the compelling urge to kick him in the shins. Ciara placed her hand on top of mine, and I looked to see that she had an uneasy look on her face. I guess she doesn't like what the doctor is doing either. The doctor lifted Char's eyelids, and I clenched my teeth together. Just because he's professionally trained to do this doesn't mean I trust him. Doctors can screw up stuff, and can even cause the patient to die. And God, so help me, if she dies, then everybody within 50 feet of me is going to die too.

"Well," the doctor finally turned to us. "It seems that she has had a seizure--"

"NO FREAKIN' DUH! WE KNOW THAT SHE HAD A SEIZURE!" I practically yelled. Ciara's hand squeezed mine, and I settled back into the chair and tried to calm myself down. It won't help if I explode on the man.

The doctor gave me a look, and I tried my hardest to not punch him. Okay, maybe I am a little violent. "Well, the cause is because of a drug--"

"What drug is it?" I asked.

"Actually, we don't know--"

"How do you not know what the drug is? You are a doctor, right?"

"Yes, but--"

"Tell us what's wrong with her! What did the drug do to her?"

"If you let me talk, I can tell--"

"Well, tell us!"

I was silenced by Ciara's soft hand covering my mouth. She gave me a look that told me to hush before giving the doctor a reassuring nod.

"Since the drug is unknown, we'll have to keep her here for a few days for observation. Just in case there are some other symptoms to the drug. Does she have any allergies that we should be concerned about?"

"She's lactose intolerant. And she can't eat peanuts," Ciara informed. I guess that's what Char tells her about when I'm up in my room. Things about herself or just about anything else.

The doctor wrote something on his clipboard. "...Okay, then." Then he explained that there would be some blood work being done, and that he'll let us know some new information as soon as possible.

"And we will be taking good care of Miss..." he trailed off, waiting for Ciara to answer.

"Oh, Charlize. Harris. I, uh, adopted her and Kaelynn a few months ago." She sounded different. Almost...nervous.

"So, you're her guardian?"

"Yes," she confirmed, her voice cracking. Is she okay?

The doctor wrote something else on his board before walking out. Once he closed the door, Ciara's hand disappeared from my mouth.

My eyes rested on my motionless sister's body. A wave of guilt washed over me as I remembered what happened at the performance. The woman sounded so nice and sincere, and her tone was nice and soft. But, she was wearing a cloak. But, she did say she was on Ciara's team. Ugh! I should have paid better attention! I'm such a horrible sister!

Light sobbing reached my ears, and it wouldn't take a genious to find out who it was. I turned around to see Ciara's head in her hands. Her shoulders shook slightly, and I felt my heart ache.

"Ciara?" I said, placing a hand on her back.

She looked up, and I frowned. Her eyes were pink, and her make-up was running and messed up, and her face had a pink tinge to it. She looked truly upset, and I didn't know how to react.

"It's all my fault," she accused.


"It's all my fault. I should have been a responsible pa--guardian, and kept a watch on her. God, I'm so stupid!"

I rubbed her upper back in a, hopefully, soothing way. "No, it's not. I was right beside her. And I knew there wasn't something right. But, Char had cotton-mouth, and she said she was a part of your team!"

Ciara looked at me. "What did she look like?"

I shrugged. "She was wearing a cloak. Now that I think about it, it was pretty stupid of me."

"Kaelynn, all of my team was helping me get ready. Not one of them went off to do anything, hun."

A scowl replaced my frown, and anger rose up inside of me. "I cannot believe this! Oooooh, I have to get this woman. I will make her PAY!"

Ciara patted my hand that was previously on her back. "Don't trouble yourself, Kaelynn. They're probably long gone by now. And New York's so big. You won't be able to find her, hun."

I sighed, then put my hands to her face. I started to wipe off her make-up and tears, and she let me. Everything was just smearing, so I got up and got a paper towel and ran it under some water, and I got a dry paper towel. I proceeded in washing Ciara's make-up off her face. I tried not to focus my attention on her eyes, but it was so hard. They just watched me do everything, and they're just so darn beautiful. After drying her face, I took a good, long look at her.

"You're beautiful without make-up," I admitted.

She playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. "That's what they all say."

"No, I'm, like, so freaking serious. You're gorgeous, Ciara. Why the heck do you wear all that crap?"

She smirked. "The same reason you do."

"Pffffttt! My reason is completely different from yours. So, you go."

Ciara laughed. "I feel better with it on. Like, I'm complete. You know?"

"I guess I could live with that."

We shared a laugh, before there was a knock on the door. The doctor came in, a small smile on his face. "Hello," he said, holding a manilla folder.

Ciara slid on her glasses, and said, "Hello, doctor."

He never did tell us his name.

"So, we just did some blood work, and found out about Charlize's family. It seems that you're her--"

"Uh, can we discuss this outside the room? Please?"

They left the room, making me suspicious.

A/N: Ciara without makeup. Sorry it took me a while. Wattpad deleted my story. Again. Well, the chapter. So, yeah.

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