Raggedy Ann

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                        Kaelynn, Charlize, and I climbed off the private jet that had landed in New York City. The brisk, cold air hit us, and I immediately shivered. Even though I've been here a few times, I still wasn't used to the weather. And Kaelynn and Char have never been here before. So, I know they won't be used to the sudden climate change. I looked at them to see I was right. They shook violently, teeth chattering, holding their coats tightlt around them. Previously, I had bought them heavy coats with faux fur on the inside.

"Welcome to New York!" I said, ushering them into the rental car. Greatfully, they hurried inside the warmth of the car, and I got into the driver seat. Their sighs met my ears as my butt touched the seat.

"Who knew New York was so cold?" Charlize asked, rhetorically.

"Um, I did," I said with a chuckle. I shrugged off my coat, because I can't drive well with a huge coat that was about half my weight.

The van in front of us contained my manager and the equipment for the show. And the truck behind us had the back-up dancers and more people from my crew, like my hair stylist, costume designer, and so on and so forth. I waited for the trunk to close, because a guy had put our bags in there, and the van in front of us to pull off before I started to drive.

Charlize began telling me stories about her and her friends at school. I listened to them, adding comments and laughing at appropiate times. God, she loved to talk!

We got to the hotel in around ten minutes or so. I pulled into an empty parking space and cut the car off. Then I turned around the face the girls. "Girls, listen. When we go in there, no matter what, don't take your hoods off. Don't look at anybody, don't talk to anybody, and stick by me the entire time."

"Why?" Charlize asked, being the curious person she is.

"Because #1, I don't want you to be kidnapped. 'Cause if that happens, I will punch everybody that stays here in the head. And #2, if people recognize me, I don't want them to know who you are. Trust me, when the paparazzi follows you around 24/7, it gets really annoying. And they'll make up stories about us, just to show people and get like a big raise or something if they have a story that sells, I don't know. But, remember what I said. Okay?"

They both nodded, and we got out as soon as I slipped on my billion-pound coat. We rolled our suitcases into the hotel, and to the front desk. My team members were whispering amongst themselves, and my manager stood beside me. Like I said, Kaelynn and Char were behind me, hoods over their heads.

The guy behind the counter looked pretty young, maybe in his twenties. And had a butt-load of pimples on his face. I tried not to stare at the guy's extreme acne problem, but it was really hard. They were so big and so red. While I talked to the guy, I was watching my daughters out the corner of my eye.

An elderly lady was bending down in front of my youngest, offering both her and Kaelynn cookies. I prayed that they would remember what I said in the car. Fortunantly, they did, because they both turned around towards me. But, the woman was stubborn, and offered them candy.

The guy was struggling with the cash register, unable to open it. "Why don't you go ask the manager?" I suggested, taking a quick glance at my girls.

The guy chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, it's just--a--little--old, is all," he said between pounds of his fists onto the machine.

My focus went back on the girls. I clenched my teeth together as I saw the woman practically shove the candy into Char's face. I knew how much she loved candy, and never turned down any. As if by some miracle, Char shook her head and turned to face me again. Kaelynn put her arm around her sister, which I had to smile at. Yet the woman turned Char around again, with a hot mug of what smelled like hot chocolate, and put it up to her face. And that was what set me off.


The woman scowled, gave me the finger, then walked off. I turned back towards the guy, who magically had the register open. The room was quiet, and I had my arms around my kids. I know what I just did was bad, but I had to. I would've been nicer if they weren't my kids, blood or not. I was proud of them for not saying a word, and for listening to what I said. I just hope the paparazzi wasn't around.


The next day, I woke up around noon. The girls weren't in their bed, and I looked around, frantically, for them. Come to find out, they were in the kitchen, eating. When I walked in, they turned to me with smiles.

"Morning,"Kaelynn said, getting out of her seat.

"Good morning!" Char chirped.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, stretching.

"Kaelynn cooked breakfast! She has a plate for you!"

Kaelynn gave me a crooked smile, and pulled on my arm. I was sat beside Char, at the breakfast bar, and a plate was set in front of me. A neat stack of pancakes with a side of bacon and eggs, and then a glass of juice. I looked at Kaelynn.

"How did you coo--no, how do you know how to cook?" I asked, dumbfounded.

The teen shrugged, before sitting on my other side with her food. "It's second nature to me, I guess."

"How?!? I can only cook breakfast and pasta! That is so not fair."

Kaelynn smirked at me. "I always watched when I was younger. That's why."

My aunt was a really good cook. I remember going to her house just to have lunch ir a snack. She didn't live that far away from me at the time.

I took a bite, and instantly loved it. "Oh my gosh, Kaelynn you have a gift! This is so good!"

Kaelynn giggled. "Why, thank you! Now hurry up! I want to look around the city today. I wonder if their mall here is as good as the one in L.A."

I hurried up and the three of us took turns in the shower, and threw on warm and comfy clothes. I made sure they were ready before throwing on my 62-ton coat, and we were out the door. I tried to put everything I need in the inside pockets of my coat (benefit for wearing this bear skin!) so I wouldn't need to bring my purse. I knew there were pick-pocketers around her, and I didn't want to be a victim of it.

Kaelynn and Char dragged me into every store that they though looked cool. And if they wanted something, I bought it. The people kept giving me double takes, but I hid my face before they could recognize me.

We walked for a while before we could finally take a break. We sat in a restraunt, and decided to eat there instead of using my bad cooking skills and try to make something. There weren't a lot of people in here, so I didn't hide my face. However, our waitress recognized me and asked for a picture. I gladly took one with her, and she scampered off to tell her colleagues.

"Do you ever get bored of it?" Kaelynn asked, in the middle of eating some really tasty lasagna.

"Bored of what?" I asked.

"Being famous. Like, these people wanting pictures with you, or an autograph. Do you wish you never had it?"

"Uhhhh...Well, it does tend to be a little...hectic at times, and some people can't handle it, so they do drugs or whatever, drink and such. But, obviously, I'm doing none of those things. So, I really like my job, fame just comes with it, though. I love my fans, and wouldn't be here without them." Or you two, I thought in my head with a smile.

"You smile a lot," Char pointed out. "Why?"

"Why not? I have nothing to frown about. I'm spending time with you girls while doing something I love."

"Which is being bothered by people?"

"No. Making people smile."

Charlize had a thoughtful look on her face. "No offense, but you sound like a hippie."

That cause a laugh to come out of my mouth as we continued dinner.

A/N: That's the type coat they wore. So...pretend like it's really heavy!
Also, I forgot to mention something in the chapter before this. The performance and Basil's was based off of my personal experience. Just wanted to add that, cause I forgot. XD

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