Trust Me

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                        Blurry figures were seen when I first opened my eyes, and unrecognizable words were being said. There was a pounding in my head so intense, I almost let out a groan of pain. I blinked my eyes again and again until I could see properly. Charlize and Kaelynn stood over me, talking to each other. I don't think they knew I was awoke, because they continued their conversation.

"But, I said to never answer the door when she's not here," Kaelynn said.

"But, she is here!" Char countered.

"Yeah, physically. Not mentally. Which means I'm in charge. And we do not open doors for strangers."

I never heard Kaelynn talk to her sister that way. I've never heard nor seen them fight or argue before. They've always seem to have a near-perfect relationship. So, this was strange to me.

I stretched, which caused them to look at me. They both had relieved looks on their faces. "What's going on? What happened?"

"You fainted when you saw Char's blood," Kaelynn said.

I sat up and realized I was on the hotel's bed. There was a glass of water and a pill bottle on the stand beside the bed, and I gave it a puzzled look. "That's pain pills," Kaelynn informed. "We thought you would have a headache, because you fell pretty hard."

I smiled. "Thanks, girls." I'm pretty sure they caught on to my headache situation. I'm prone to headaches, if you didn't know.

"Now, what were y'all talking about? What had happened while I was out?"

"Char had opened the door," Kaelynn immediately responded. "And we saw that lady from New York."

My eyes widened in fear at what she had said. "And then what happened?"

"She offered us cookies. And Char was gonna take one until I slammed the door in the woman's face. There's no telling what she could have done to them!"

How the heck did that woman find us? And why does she offer them so much things? My first instinct was to return home as soon as possible, but I didn't want to disappoint the girls.

"Pack your bags," I told them, taking the pills and standing up.

Their faces fell. "We're going home?" Charlize asked.

"No. We're just moving to a different room."

As soon as our things were packed, I called the hotel staff and asked if we could transfer rooms. The manager questioned if something was wrong, and I lied saying the room wasn't comfortable. I wouldn't really consider it to be a lie, because knowing that the same woman from America was here scared me. And I had to protect my kids now, not just myself. Who knew being a mother of two kids were so hard?


The soft snores coming from Char made me relax a bit. The new room they put us in was a bit smaller than the other, but it was still comfy and whatnot. And it was a floor upwards, which was a bonus because of the view.

Kaelynn cut her phone off and put it on the charger. Since I was lying down, she didn't notice I was awake. She had quietly walked and sat on the edge of my bed. "Ciara?" She whispered.

"Yes?" I answered, unintentionally causing her to jump.

"You're up?"

I sat all the way up. "Yeah. Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

The oldest turned her body around so she could face me. "It's about that woman. It's like she's...following us."

Crap. I was hoping she wouldn't have caught on. I didn't want them to be worrying all about it, then get scared to go out in public or go to school and etc. But, Kaelynn's a big girl. I think she can understand this.

"I think she is too," I agreed. "Do you have any idea why she might be following us?"

"She can't be wanting to figure out that we live with you. But, I'm pretty confident she's the one who poisoned Char."

"And how do you know?"

"She wore a cloak so we couldn't see her face. And she was persistant on giving us something back at that hotel. And, I'm sure she knew who you were and that you were going to perform, which meant that we were going to be there. And her hand has a birthmark the shape of a rhombus."

Wow. I had to hand it to her, she's really smart. I hadn't really noticed those things, and I should have.

"Impressive," I commented. "Any idea how she could have found us?"

"I'm not sure. She either could be spying on us...or have an inside source."

That caused my eyebrows to knit together. Who from my team would want the girls dead? They all love them! Well, one of them has been a bit sour lately...

"Not trying to start anything, but I think it's Jeff."

"My manager?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's obvious that he doesn't like us. He yells at you because you spend time with us instead of your career. And he shoots us dirty looks when he thinks we're not looking."

Makes sense. Kaelynn knows a lot more than what I give her credit for. And, I'm proud. Proud that she notices these things and doesn't wave them off like it was nothing.

"But, you don't think he would actually kill you...Do you?" I asked, feeling more indangered about my business now that we're talking about it.

Kaelynn shrugged. "He seems like the most likely person IF he's the one feeding her info. But, he also might not be. She might be stalking us. We don't know."

"You know, I never expected you to know all this. Because..." I looked into Kaelynn's eyes. They seemed to urge me on in continuing what I had to say. "...beccause you don't like me like that."

"...I never said that."

"But, I could tell. I'm not blind."

Kaelynn looked down. "You know I have issues."

"Yes, but they are perfectly fixable! If. You. Just. Let. Me."

She shook her head. "Let you what?"

"Just trust me."

Kaelynn's eyes focused on me once again. "Huh?"

"Trust me. I won't hurt you like all those other people did. I know you told me a lot that has happened to you, but I can tell you're still hesitant in confiding in me."

Kaelynn shifted in her spot, but she didn't say anything.

"Kaelynn, I love you. Please?"

I was certain that she was just going to sit there and say nothing. Until she said something. It was so quiet I almost couldn't hear it.


A/N: Sorry for the crappy update. It's because I feel crappy. I have a horrible cough that I'm positive will stay with me for months. I hate winter. >:(
Sorry it's short. I just had to update for you peoples!
So, yeah. And there's a random picture of Kaelynn. Well, pictures

FlavahzNation Forever!

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