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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

Apparently, Ciara has given Charlize the "Best Birthday Ever". Shockingly, I was happy that Ciara has done this for my sister. I have never seen her face as bright and happy as it was yesterday. I was in Charlize's room that day, with her 8th grade friends. They seemed to like me, so Charlize and I thought it was perfectly fine, and I just stayed in there. I didn't want to be in a room full of strangers, that's all.

That night, before I went to bed, I heard murmuring in Charlize's room. It wasn't quiet murmurs, but I could distinguish the words they were saying. I listened to what they were saying, wondering if they're going to mention me in some way. And, they did.

That woman loved me. That woman, that I swore I would hate forever, said she loved me. Despite my attitude, she loves me. But, I can't be entirely sure that she does. I haven't physically been in there to know if she was lying or not. And what Charlize said was true. I kind've like Ciara.


"So...what do you want to do tomorrow, for your birthday?" Ciara asked me, as we sat in the living room, a tv show on. Charlize was out with one of her friends, which I really didn't want to happen. Now, I was alone with Ciara. Aside from her dogs, which were not helping.

I shrugged like any teenager would do, and said the most popular phrase ever. "I don't know."

But Ciara didn't sigh in annoyance like any of my past foster parents. Instead, she continued to question me.

"Come on! You must want to do something for your birthday. After all, it's your first birthday with me! I can do whatever you want! Anything! Just name it, and I'll make it happen!" She sounded so desperate to make me happy, and I internally smiled.

"I don't know what I want. I've never expected anything for my birthday. But Char would use the money we'd make to buy me a little card. I'm guessing she told you what we did afterschool?"

Ciara nodded. "That's sweet."

"Yeah, and I would tell her not to get me anything. But, she said she wanted to. Just to see me smile. I never smiled when I was at that place. Never."

I looked over to see Ciara smiling. Holy crap, I just realized what the heck I did. I opened up a little to her. I actually liked her. I never open up to people. Does this mean I trust her? Love her, maybe? No. Impossible. I don't even know her all that well!

"Are you okay?" She asked, a worried look on her face.

I didn't answer. I just ran out of the living room, and up to my room, where I closed and locked the door. There was no way that I could love that woman. I barely know her! And, she can't replace my mom. Even though she has a motherly-feel to her, if that's even a thing! I must remember that my mom is up in Heaven, and I'll get to see her soon. Around seventy or eighty years. Yeah. That's not long, right?

"Kaelynn? Kaelynn, please open up. What's wrong?"

I scooted away from the door, and climbed into bed. I laid there, listening to her knocking and constant pleas and questions.

"Kaelynn, please! Talk to me! I'm here for you!"

Nope. I wasn't falling for that. Just the thought of her acting as my mother angered me. I wanted to throw something or punch somebody, anything! As much as I wanted to let my feelings out, violence was never the answer. Cliché, I know, but it's true. If anything, it gets you in more trouble.

"Kaelynn, I know you're in there. And if you won't come out, I will not force you. I want you to come out, but you can stay in there."

A silence filled the room, and I thought she was gone. But, I heard her speak again.

"You know, one time I made a huge mistake," she said, randomly. And by the way her voice sounded, she was sitting by the door. "It was with my boyfriend. I'll spare the details, but, my parents didn't like it. Well, at least, my dad didn't. Well, my mom did too. They were disappointed in me. They grounded me forever...Well, it felt like it. My mom was shocked at first, but she kind've accepted it. But my dad wouldn't have it. It was liked he disowned me. Until I gave the--lets call it a pearl--until I gave the pearl away. He acted like my dad again. The same old dad. I gave the pearl to my aunt to take care of, since she loves chil--ah, pearls--and that was that. Then, there was another pearl. And the whole thing with my parents happened again. My dad said some things that are not appropiate for anybody's ears, to be honest with you. So, I gave the second pearl to my aunt also, and she took care of both pearls. Do you hear me, Kaelynn?"

I was going to keep quiet, but wanted to hear more of what was going to happen. "Yes."

"Okay. Good. I thought you were asleep or had headphones in. Look, what I'm trying to say is that everyone makes screw-ups, mess-ups, uh-ohs, and whoopsies in their life. And, you're going to accept and forgive them for who they are. I know I sound like one of those crappy psychiatrists or just about anybody, but it's true. But, you have to love them enough to atleast give them a second chance. Can you give me a second chance, Kaelynn?"

Second chance? I haven't even gave her a first one! And what was the point in that story? Oddly, it drew me in, and I made some sort of connection with it. I can't put my finger on it though. Everything that has happened lately was tearing me apart into pieces.


For some reason I got out of bed. It was as if my legs were walking on their own accord. I got to my bedroom door, and before I could register what was happening, my hand twisted the knob, and opened the door. Ciara sat on the ground, and she must've been surprised because she quickly looked up at me. Then, she slowly stood up. I was standing there, awkwardly, waiting for something to happen.

"Can you?" She asked, hopeful.

My response was a shy little nod. But Ciara knew what I meant, because her lips formed into a big smile, and she wrapped her arms around me. The only hugs I ever had was from my mom, dad, and Charlize. And all these years, I only had Charlize to hug me. I done forgot what a hug from a caring adult felt like. She was warm. And smelled like flowers. Jasmine? Lilac? Lilac, definantly. I buried my head into her chest, where I breathed in her scent. (Okay, I'm not weird!) She smelled so comforting, and I felt so safe. I never thought I would have this feeling ever again.

"Ciara?" I questioned.

"Yes?" She answered.

"What ever happened to the...'pearls'? Are they still with your aunt?"

"I wish I could say that. Sadly, no. She died in a house fire, caused by her stupid boyfriend, and the pearls got sent sonewhere else, so other people can take care of them."

A/N: Picture of KayKay, Char, and CamCam. I hope you guys understand this chapter.

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