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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

The first day of school was not as bad as I thought it would be. I made friends almost instantly. At first, I was a bit distant. I really didn't want to be gawked at because I'm the new kid. These two twins, Tamara and Tiara, helped me around the school. They were pretty nice, and made me feel comfortable. I actually told them more about myself than I did with Ciara, which I don't feel bad about. Okay, maybe a little. We had the same lunch, and I met this other girl named Jaira. She was in my dance class, since I just started at this school, which was the foundations level. I also informed her about myself.

Guys kept hitting on me, which was very annoying. I would've probably gotten suspended, if it wasn't for Tamara, who held me back. So, I was very glad when the end of the day came. Highschool down here is crazier than farther up California.

We were back to Ciara's place, where I quickly went to my room, and stayed there. The door was locked, so I didn't need to worry about anybody coming in on me. Mostly, Ciara.

I started texting Tiara, one of the twins. God, I loved talking to this girl! We talked forever, about the most randomest things. I felt I could trust her, so I told her a summary of my life. She responded with a crying emoji and an Awwww! I'm so sorry! Yeah, she's a great friend.

A few knocks sounded on the door, and I asked who it was. Ciara. She said it was dinnertime. After telling Tiara that I had to eat dinner, I went and unlocked the door. Ciara stood there, smiling all big and all. I gave her a quick smile before following her downstairs into the dining room. Charlize was already at the table, awaiting her plate. We had macaroni and cheese with rolls. It wad really good, she was a great cook!

"Did you two learn anything at school?" Ciara asked. Would she stop trying to act like our mom? It's annoying the crap out if me!

As usual, Charlize started to talk. I just tuned her out, thinking about our mom and dad in Heaven. I wish they were here, right now. Then, we won't have to live with this weirdo woman. I miss them so much. My mom's soothing voice, my dad's tight hugs. Even the nice smell of my mom's expensive perfume, which my dad thought smelled like watered-down fruit juice. I missed smelling burned chicken, which was the result of my mom attempting to cook. I missed my dad swinging me in the air and pretending I was an airplane. I was homesick. I have been for years.

"Kaelynn? Are you okay?" I was snapped back to reality by our caretaker's voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I sounded like a complete idiot.

Ciara smiled at me, and it took all of my willpower to not roll my eyes. Since I was going to be living with her 'till I'm 18, I better feign niceness. I still didn't like her.

"I just asked if you learned anything today," she sweetlt said.

"Oh. No, not really. Just got showed around. Nothing exciting, being the first day and all."

She nodded, and I noticed her face fell a bit. Did she expect me to say more? What could I say? Nothing. Exactly.

When I got back to my room, I fell on the bed and cried. I cried and cried and cried. I missed my parents so much. But, now they're dead. I can't see them anymore. I can't see their smiles or hear their laughs or give them a hug. My world was falling apart. The only thing keeping me sane was my sister, and she was slowly drifting away, getting closer to Ciara. Was I alone? Nobody to look after my back, nobody to care for me, nobody to confide in, to tell everything I feel at this moment.


Blast this woman! She came in at the wrong times!

"What?" I said, clearly annoyed.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing! I'm perfectly okay!"

The bed lowered a bit, and I felt a hand on my back. "Kaelynn, there is something obviouslt wrong. I'm here for you, if you want to talk. That's what guardians do for their children."

"Oh my gosh! You are NOT my mom! You DON'T care about me! So stop PRETENDING! I DON'T NEED YOU!"

Furious at how Ciara was acting, I ran out my room an into the nearest bathroom. I cried my eyes out. I hated my life. Why couldn't mom and dad still be alive? I was alone, with a woman that wanted to play Super Mom, and try to save the day. All she did was ruin it. My life would be soooo much easier if she wasn't in it.

A/N: The twins and Jaira. Sorry that this chapter is so short. Kind of a filler. It's all I could really think of. So...yeah.

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